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The taxi driver starts the car and zooms down the road towards the survival camp. At some point everyone is forced to go to it; it's for ages 12-19. I wave goodbye to my family, or what's left of my them.

I was about five when my mom and sister died. My sister died in her third year of the camp (apparently they train you very harshly) and my mother died from a disease (We couldn't afford any medicine.) When my mom started getting sick, at first I didn't know what was going on. But when the time came when she took her last breathe, I was heart broken.

So anyway, I've been living with two boys my whole life! Or should I say men? My brother is 23, and quite strong and handsome I might say. My father has always protected us, he's very brave and wise.

When I can't see them and they've blended in with the horizon, I turn to my boyfriend, Colby. We'd been best friends since forever, but soon we started getting feelings for each other.

I give him a nervous looks as he squeezes my hand reassuringly.

As the taxi rolls down the bumpy road I stare out the window, taking what could possibly be one of my last looks at the real world. In the survival camp, everyone is pretty much isolated from the rest of the world. And my sister told me that the training center doesn't even look real. She said that it's an exotic looking, very large room. (Actually, it's not really a room at all. Apparently, it resembles earth, but with odd plants and animals.)

The whole camp's purpose, though, is to train and prepare us for the time when everyone will be in danger; when humans will no longer have authority over the world. This camp is training us for the zombie apocalypse.

I don't worry about having a zombie apocalypse any time soon, however. I am worried about the training. You heard what happened to my sister! She died because of the camp. Will they treat me the same way? Will we have to capture food on our own? Where will we sleep?

My thoughts are interrupted when Colby squeezes my hand again and whispers, "We're here."


Here's the prologue! The first chapter will be up soon my pukkas :)

Stay tuned


Hope you liked the prologue! Comment what you think!

~Emma :)

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