hanabi x narumi

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"hes smart, hes cute, hes sweet, hes like a brother."
"why do i like him?"
"hanabi, you're such a pain..." she said to herself.

"hana!" said narumi

(narumi is hanabis crush, hes a teacher while she is his student. They've been neighbors for as long as she can remember so they know eachother.)

"coming!" hanabi yelled

"can you bring this to the music room?" asked narumi.

"okay but what do i get?" asked hanabi

"you're silly" said narumi

"im hanabi, not silly" she said

"just go put that in the music room" narumi smiled.

"sensei?" yelled ms.akane

"oh AH." narumi blushed

(narumi had a little crush on ms.akane, they've been talking for a while now since she was the music teacher and the music room is very close to his classroom.)

"huh, who is that?" hanabi asked herself

she saw them talking, laughing, and flirting.

she had the cutest smile, she had the prettiest eyes, she had long straight hair, she was beautiful

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she had the cutest smile, she had the prettiest eyes, she had long straight hair, she was beautiful.

"uh who might this be?" asked ms.akane

she pointed at hanabi.

"oh, thats my student, shes like a sister to me." said narumi

hanabi looked to the ground and closed her eyes.

"ohhh, shes cute." said ms.akane

"is she lying?" hanabi asked herself.


"thanks for the help today hanabi!"
yelled narumi

"you're welcome" hanabi said.

"good luck with her, she seems like a nice person." hanabi said.

she smiled

"What? Ms.akane? We're just friends."
said narumi

"you were always bad at lying" said hanabi

"do you want me to walk home with you hanabi?" asked narumi


"its always fun walking with you onii-chan"
said hanabi."

narumi smiled.

"see you tomorrow hanabi! Do your homework!"

hanabi smiled and waved.

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