By Myself...Am I?

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Shane's Pov: I was doing another Conspiracy Theory video. I paused and searched up something Joey said to me. He said something about birthmarks. I did a lot of research and it blew my mind! I unpaused the video. "The next Conspiracy Theory blew my mind. It's about birthmarks. There is an old woman in Thailand, who is dying, her wish was to be reincarnated into a young boy. Her daughter dipped her finger in white paint and put it over her mother's neck. Soon she died. Not long after, the daughter had a son..and guess what was on the back of the sons neck." I said quietly. I groan as if I was creeped out, which I was. "What takes this further, is that Ian Stevenson was figuring out this whole thing, and there was a 3 year old boy, who remembers getting murdered. He told them where his body was buried, the dig it up and what they saw was a body. But there was an axe mark on the forehead right where the kid has a birthmark!!!" I yelled. I talked about my ass birthmark, and how i have dreams of getting shot in the ass, and i did a couple more Conspiracy Theories and I kissed my hand and said bye to them as I covered the camera. I stopped recording. I sank into my couch, deciding I'd edit later. "Holy shit... that's crazy." I said talking about the birthmarks. Hours later I decide to edit my video and upload it, knowing I'd get 'Hate.' I laugh at myself. I go into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. "Fuck it. I'm not going to be able to grow a real beard." I said to myself as I grabbed the razor (or whatever you men use) and shave it all off until my face is smooth. (I know he didn't do this, but I'd love to see beard less Shane again) "let's go get some Taco Bell!" I say to myself and I run to the kitchen, grab my keys and speed out the door and into my car.

*Time skip brought to you by Taco bell. Lmao*

I arrive to Taco Bell and I am starving! As I was in line I see a girl at a table having the 'Time of her life' Not really..she has her head on the table and she doesn't have Any food. Honestly...Me. I look at how close I am to the food, and back at her. I do what my heart told me to do and I walked towards her. I sat down in a chair beside her and she looked up. "Are you okay?" I asked. "'s just I really wanted some taco bell, but I'm broke.." the girl said. "Hey..I'll buy some food for you. What do you have in mind?" I asked. She smiled. "Thank you so much. Just order anything." She said. I nod and I go get the food. minutes later I come back with 2 Tacos. (Sorry..I don't know what's on their menu...just know you will NEVER see me in Taco Bell xc. Sorry to break it to ya...XD) "Thanks Shane." The girl said. I was hoping she didn't know me...but..she does. "No problem." I said. "So..I watched your newest Conspiracy Theory video...and about the birthmarks..I have a birthmark that is shaped of a knife wound on my you theory might be real." The girl said. (This is supposed to be me, and I don't have a birthmark on my back.) "Do you have flashbacks of getting stabbed?" I ask. She nods slowly. "I was a little boy..and I was gay...and my boyfriend...he got drunk..then he started beating me..and he stabbed me in the back..before I died..I wanted to be reincarnated into a girl...and that knife my birthmark." She said. "Damn." I said. (once again did not happen. lmao..the only thing that's true is that I remember being a gay boy.) She nods again. After we got done eating, she was about to leave. "H...hey.. wanna hang out? maybe this weekend?" I ask. She smiles. "Sure." She said. She wrote on a piece of paper and put it down on the table. "Call me when you need anything." She added. She got up and walked out of the restaurant. I take the note and put it in my pocket.

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