Chapter Two

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Embry's POV

I plop on the couch as soon as I get home. 

"Embry! Where were you? You're supposed to be grounded. As in not leaving the house." My mother appears in front of me tapping her foot. 

"I was at the hospital with Billy. Bella Swan woke up." I sigh.

"Well then I'll just call Billy and see if your story checks out." She huffs and stomps her way to the kitchen. 

"Hello. This is Tiffany Call, could I speak with your father please?" Her voice sound so light and innocent. Not as though she wants to murder me. Which she does. She really does.

"Hello, Billy! Yes, its me again. Embry is supposed to be grounded but he says he was with you in Forks?" I groan and tune out the conversation. My thoughts wander to Bella. I still remember the first time I saw her. It was last year on the beach surrounded by her friends but looking uncomfortable. Jake was the only one who had the balls to talk to her. I chuckle to myself. She was beautiful. Her hair was like a flowing river of chocolate with hints of red. My stomach growls. 

"Your story checked out. You're free." Mom appears in front of me again. 

"Wait, what?" I nearly choke. How is my mom being so laid back? She is never ever laid back. 

"Sam Uley has offered to take you on as an apprentice in his construction company. I figured he'll be able to keep you out of trouble. God knows I need the help." She huffs pulling her long dark hair into a ponytail. 

"So I'm not grounded?" I am practically buzzing. 

"Do you want to be?" She arches her 'bitch brow.' 

"Nope, I'm good." I shake my head and rush outside. I don't know what Sam and Billy told Mom but you bet your right hand I'm gonna find out. I chuckle and jog deep enough into the woods I can shift safely.  Once I am in my wolf form I stretch out. I haven't been this relaxed in forever. Just knowing that Bella is okay makes me feel so much lighter.

Hey guys! Jared thinks to us all.

Hey, J. Sam? I call out. 

He's with Emily, dumbass. Paul snorts. I send him a warning growl before taking off in the direction of Sam and Emily's house. When I can see the yellow back porch I quickly shift and dress before heading inside. 

"Honey, I'm home!!" I call out cheerily. 

"Hello, Embry. Hungry?" Emily holds out a plate piled high with bacon and eggs. 

"Always." I chuckle. 

"Monopolizing my fiancee again?" Sam comes up behind her and kisses her cheek.

"I'm actually her to see you. What did you and Billy do? Mom is actually kinda chill." I ask between mouthfuls.

"I assured her that you aren't involved in anything illegal. I told her you've been helping me out at work and just crashing at my place. Billy backed me up and told her that she is just pushing you away." Sam steals a piece of bacon behind Emily's back. 

"No I hear that you have good news as well?" Emily sits down across from me. I tilt my head in confusion. 

"You imprinted!" She practically squeals. Sam and I both chuckle. 

"When she feels up to it, I'd like to meet her. It would be nice talking to someone else about this craziness." Emily beams. The phone suddenly blares. Sam quickly excuses himself and answers the phone. 

"Uley residence." Sams relaxed expression hardens. "One moment." He gestures me over. 

"Hello?" I question. I can't think of anyone who would call me at Sams. 

"Is this Embry?" A gruff voice asks. 

"Yes." I kinda hesitate.  

"Son, this is Chief Charlie Swan. I need a favor." He suddenly sounds exhausted. 

"Of course, what can I do?" I relax. 

"Bella is in hysterics. She won't talk to anyone. She keeps asking for you. Could you come up and see her?" His voice cracks. 

"Yes, sir. Are you still at the hospital?" 

"No, Bella was released so we're at home." 

"Alright, I'll be there shortly. See you soon, Chief." I hang up and turn to run out but Emily blocks my way. 

"Sam has laid you out some clothes on the bed. Get changed and he'll give you a ride." She pats my chest before sitting once again. I shake my head but do as she says. You can't argue with the luna.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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