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"OMG! Is that a girl," my 16 year old sister Mia, squeals. As she walks into the garage.
"Last time I checked I am a girl," Letty says, jokingly
"So r u new to town. Y r u here?, r u one of Vince's, or doms sluts again," she asks them all so fast.
"First of all I'm not a slut, I just moved in. And I'm Vince's cousin," Letty says.

"Oh ur Letty, Vince has talked about u. U must be bored here. Wanna go shopping. I'll pay," she says quickly and Letty looks at her like she's crazy.

"Sorry about her, she doesn't get to hang around a lot of girls," my dad says walking out of his office.
"It's okay," Letty says.
"How about u join us for dinner tonight Letty," dad says. And she looks at Vince.
"She'd love to," Vince says for her.
"Good, Vince u know what time to be at the house,"
"Yes sir,"


Vince and Letty arrived at 6:34. Letty had changed her outfit to something even more sexier than she was wearing before.
She had on these tiny tight black shorts, with a white strapless shirt.
When they had came in I was sitting on the couch and Letty plats down next to me.

"How's ur lip?," she asks smirking.
"U think ur funny," I say.
"I know so, I've been told," she says confidently.

God I really like this girl!
It's just something about her that makes me..... Feel all.. tingly inside. She makes my heart stop at how beautiful she is. And her voice is, let's just say I love her voice. It's really husky, and I like it.
"Really?, like who," I smirk..
"Well, a lot of people, cause u know. Everyone likes me, cause I'm such an angel," she says and smiles sweetly at me.
"Yeah and this proofs how much of an angel u r," I say pointing to my busted lip.
"How could u say I would do such a thing," she says making a fake shocking face.

"Dinner!," Mia yells from the kitchen. Usually she helps dad make dinner, and sometimes she is the one making dinner.
"Finally!, I'm starving," Vince says as he races into the kitchen.
"Ur always hungry," Letty says laughing, following him into the kitchen.
I make a noise of agreement. I could eat, but vince, Vince is just an animal when it comes to it.

We all sit around the table. As we all sit around, waiting for someone to crack. Letty keeps making a confused face, watching all of us stare at one another.
"Is this a normal thing?," I hear her whisper to Vince.
"Grace," is all he says and again Letty is left looking confused.
"What?," she asks.
"Whoever eats first has to say grace;" he says.
"I'm hungry, I'll say it" Letty says in her regular voice.
We all connect our hand, dad to my right and Mia to my left, honestly I kinda wished one of them was Letty's hand.
Letty says grace and we all dig in.
"So Letty, what grade r u in?. I never see u around school," Mia says.
"Oh I'm a senior," Letty says, looking up from her food
"Lucky!, I'm only a junior," Mia whines.
"Not that lucky, the work is harder," Letty says.
"But u get to be in class with hot senior guys, and be invited to senior party's," Mia says and immediately turns to dad after realizing what she had said.
"Mia," is all he says.
"Sorry," she says.
"Honestly, senior guys suck. They think their all cool and better than everyone else, but not all. Very little aren't like that. And the party's, I mean all u do is drink and dance. It's not as cool as everyone makes it seem," Letty says.

After dinner dad went to bed, while Mia, Vince, Letty, and I sit downstairs watching a movie.

Mia went to bed in the middle of it, cause she was tired.
Vince was passed out on the floor.
And Letty and I were the last ones awake.
She sits in the rocking chair, while I'm on the couch.

"Well that was an interesting movie," I say as it shows the credits.
"Yeah, I'm gonna wake him up, so we can head home," Letty says standing up and kicking at Vince.
"Get up," she says.
He doesn't move.
"It's fine he can just stay here like he does most nights," I say when Vince doesn't move a muscle.
She checks his jeans, and jacket then says
"Where the hell r his car keys,"
"I can drive u home, or u can stay here," I say.
"I have to get home, I'll walk thanks for the offer," she says while walking towards the door
"R u sure?," I ask.
"It's fine, really. I live across the street, a few houses down," she says walking out the door.
And I watch through the window to make sure she makes it in safely.

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