Francois aimed his gun at the lake again, selecting one unfortunate manitou as his next potential target.

They made it almost to the lakeshore--Charmian didn't know if Tal Natha intended to simply walk down into the water itself or what--before Mitchi Manitou finally lost it.  The creature let out a maddened bellow and lunged through the water, toward them.  Tal Natha and Charmian stopped--she literally felt herself FREEZE and the only thing she could seem to think was, Mom's worrying about me--and Dad--and my dog--what will they tell the teacher when I don't show up on Monday?--what will Drake do?--what about Red Bird?--

Tal Natha's ears folded and he snarled, pushing Charmian behind him.  Francois whirled around, putting his eye to the sight.  Mitchi Manitou barreled through the water at a frightening pace, the fluid not even slowing him down, eyes flashing and roar rising as one great paw reached up into the air to swipe them aside as easily as any leaf--


Mitchi Manitou halted immediately.  His blue eyes grew wide with alarm--the same alarm he'd shown on seeing Red Bird step in front of him--and he glanced away from Charmian.  He let out a strangled sound, as if in protest, but then all of the manitous cowered on hearing what came next.

"I told you ENOUGH, you stupid fool!  You've failed enough for one day!  Get back to where you belong and don't show your face until I tell you to!"

A horribly contrite look came upon Mitchi's face and he retreated once more.  He didn't fail to shoot Charmian the most venomous glare she'd ever seen before doing so, however, and she swallowed and clutched Tal Natha's hand.

Only to notice his claws were digging into her skin.  She winced with pain but he didn't let go.  She looked up at him to see that he didn't appear to even realize she was there anymore.  His stare was focused up above them, in the direction of Devil's Kitchen.  And if Charmian hadn't known any better, she'd have said he was...afraid.

Not the same kind of fear she'd seen him demonstrate when confronted with the GeeBees or the manitous.  This was similar to what she'd seen when they'd first met the lake manitous, before realizing what they were--she'd seen it in X, and she'd seen it in her dog as well--it wasn't the fear of something that may hurt you, it was the fear of something more powerful than you.

On all such occasions her dog had rolled over onto his back to show his submissiveness.  Tal Natha did no such thing, but his tail crept between his legs and his ears went down.  And for some reason, this made Charmian more afraid than anything else she'd seen this whole day.

She looked up toward the rock.

The sky had not gone completely dark, so she could still see the trees and stone silhouetted against the sky.  And that was not the only thing.  Something else was up there now, something that hadn't been there before.  Standing atop the rock jutting out over a small spring, wings flared to the sides, great bull horns spreading out from its head.  It remained completely in darkness except for its eyes, two glowing flecks of red and green.

Charmian felt she now held onto Tal Natha's hand to comfort him, instead of the other way around.  And she was afraid she knew why.

The dark shape up on the rock said nothing, but stood taller, burning eyes narrowing.

Charmian squeezed Tal Natha's hand.  Say something.

I...I try.  But I can't.

Yes you can!  Say something!  ANYthing!

As if you can hide any such conversations from me?  The same voice that had cowed the manitous into such submission now filled Charmian's head, and she could tell from their reactions that Francois and Tal Natha heard it also.  The dark shape hunched forward again.  You are as stupid as Mitchi Manitou is.  To come here as if you are welcome.  You are lucky I don't allow my manitous to tear you to shreds.

The way they did with X? Tal Natha abruptly shot back, before realizing who he was speaking to and falling silent again.

One of the creature's ears pricked up.  Tal Natha noticed this and--perhaps taking some courage from Charmian, still holding his hand--pressed on.  Yes, Father.  This they did to poor X, your son.  I had thought you cared more for your blood than that.  At this moment he lies in the home of Old Mother Manitou, in agony because of what your manitou did to him.

Eyes narrowing even further.  "This he did not inform me of."  A glance toward the lake.  "Perhaps he has some lashes coming his way."  Charmian nearly started when the glowing eyes focused on herself and Tal Natha again.  "You have yet to bother explaining why you are here.  Speak up and tell me now before I decide to stop being so lenient with you trespassers."

"I do not trespass.  I know what place is yours."  The demon kept his ears back, tail tucked between his legs, the behavior of an inferior wolf in the presence of the alpha male.  "I come here on purpose, to seek your assistance."

A snort, whether of surprise or derision Charmian couldn't be sure.  But a moment later the creature was laughing, a harsh, violent sound.  "'Assistance'?  You've made my day with your joke!"

This is not a joke, Father.  You know I would not come to you in jest.  And I know you would not speak with me unless you believed what I say is true.

The other demon stopped laughing and his eyes narrowed again.  Charmian sensed rather than heard his growl.  Then get to the point, 'boy,' before I've had it with you.  I have no interest in your petty little squabbles with my manitous or the GeeBees.  They may rip you limb from limb as far as I'm concerned.

This does not deal with anything so minor as your manitous or the GeeBees.  You know I would not bother you with such trivial things.  I would not bother you at all if I felt even you alone could handle the danger that's come your way, without you even realizing it.

Now the demon looked surprised and angry.  He stood up taller, eyes nearly shooting out fire.  "What are you talking about?  My manitous keep me informed of all that goes on on this Island, and if they miss anything, then I convince those stupid GeeBees to find out for me.  So what could I have missed if anything?  Speak up, whelp!"

I speak of one even your manitous and the GeeBees can't completely follow, Tal Natha said, mental voice steady.  I speak of she who started all your troubles in the first place.

Ocryx fell silent for a moment, and his eyes were round.  But only for a moment.  He bared his teeth.  "Tell me!" he hissed--and Charmian knew he was afraid.

Tal Natha's voice didn't waver anymore.  "She's been busy," he said.  "You've had no idea.  She's been very busy lately--and all of her plans are focused on you, dear Father."

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