The Scarlet-Eyed Ballerina

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It was a rainy day, and Mr Walter's car had broken down on the way home. He decided to take refuge in a nearby motel when it started to rain.

He checked in, and asked the receptionist where he could get his car fixed.

"Sir, the local mechanic will fix it in a few days," the receptionist replied. "Meanwhile, enjoy your stay with us! Just remember not to go into any other rooms, as the... guests... might not like intrusions."

Mr Walter was curious. Wasn't that a given?

He carried his luggage up to his room on the fourth floor and noticed that there was only one other room aside from his on that floor.

"Room 403," he read from the engraving on his key. There was some other smudged writing beneath it. "I'm here."


The next day's weather was even worse than the last. It rained cats and dogs outside, and lightning flashed occasionally, always accompanied by thunder. Mr Walter, with no other place to go, decided to explore the motel.

The motel was small, and it wasn't long until he'd finished exploring. He opened his computer to surf the internet, but there wasn't any Wifi. He was bored out of his mind. And when men and women are bored...

Mr Walter peeked into the keyhole of the other door. A girl was dancing with her eyes shut, obviously enjoying it. She twirled and leapt, her arms moving in perfect harmony with her legs.

Mr Walter was captivated by her dancing, and promised himself that he would return for more.


The next day, he visited the ballerina again, and she seemed to be dancing closer to the centre of the room, but her dancing was amazing, and Mr Walter couldn't survive a day without seeing her dance. So like this he spent the day after, and the next, and each time the ballerina seemed to dance closer and closer, her tutu finally brushing the door on the fifth day.


The sixth day, he looked into the keyhole again to appreciate the ballerina's dancing once more. But this time, he couldn't see anything except the colour red.

He gathered up his courage and took out his key, peering closer at it. The smudged writing read, 'Room 404'.

His heart raced. His key could open this door as well!

He pushed the key into the lock and opened the door. The ballerina stood up from the keyhole and looked at him.

Mr Walter's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes were completely scarlet.

"Thank you for freeing me," the ballerina said, smiling evilly. "And goodbye."

His screams were never heard.

Credits to Chey9267 for the creepier, alternate ending! Thanks a lot!

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