Chapter 2

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:: How are you guys enjoying Repeating History so far? Let me know if you see any mistakes so I can fix them! Enjoy! ::

I sigh and start making a smaller pile of posters so they are easier to hang up. I walk around the hall, looking for good places to put the posters. When I'm on my 10th poster Anthony walks around the corner with a grin on his face and a handful of stuff in his hands. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"And where exactly did you go?" I say, annoyance in my voice.
"What, did you think I would leave you to hang these up by yourself?" He says with a grin. I nod.
"Kinda." He laughs and walks closer to me to show me what he's holding.
"I just went to get snacks from the vending machine, ya doof. I wouldn't leave you alone." He bends down and places the snacks on the ground, leaning on the wall.
"It looks like you bought half the vending machine," I say, setting the posters down. "Exactly how are we going to eat all this?" He laughs and leans in until we're only a couple inches apart.
"You'd be surprised by how much I eat." He says, raising an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Well, how else am I gonna fuel all these muscles?" He says, flexing his bicep. I laugh and turn to grab some more posters, picking them up and handing them to Anthony.
"Then put your muscles to work and tape some of these posters up." He takes the posters, laughing at what I said.

:: :: :: ::

We worked for an hour, hanging up posters and moving on to different hallways when there was no room for more. We both decided that there were enough posters up and that we should just roam the halls until school ends.
"Well what should we do with the rest of the posters?" I ask, flicking through the 30 that we have left.
"Hmmm,"Anthony brings his hand up to his chin for a couple seconds until a grin starts to spread across his face. He reaches out and takes the posters out of my hand and bends down into a granny throwing position.
"What are you-" I start to say but am cut of as he throws the papers up into the air, yelling something I couldn't understand. I widen my eyes.
"Why would you do that?! We're gonna get in trouble!" I yell at him as he rolls his eyes. He walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Relax. We're not gonna get in trouble. It's just a few papers." I look over his shoulder and see a teacher looking in our direction.
"Hey! You two! What are you doing? Why are there papers on the-" The teacher that confronted us is interrupted by Anthony.
"Whoa! Wait a minute hold on. What is that thing behind you?" Anthony says, pointing behind the teacher. The teacher turns and Anthony grabs my hand and yanks me in the opposite direction, running towards another hallway towards the left. We round the corner and I hear the teacher yelling something again, followed by footsteps. I turn my head in the teachers direction while Anthony is opening a door to a room and pulls me in, closing it quietly behind him.
"Where are w-" he quickly puts his hand over my mouth and shushes me. I'm pressed tightly against him because of the confined space. I reach about chest level on him and I can smell his cologne. I hear the teachers footsteps near the door, but they start to fade quickly. Anthony moves me to the side and opens the door slowly, peaking out. He backs up and shuts it quickly.
"He's still out there. He's standing guard I think." Anthony says, searching for a light. I hear a click and the room lights up. Janitors closet. How nice.

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Hey guys! If you are getting bored, just wait, something exciting is gonna happen in the next chapter! ;)

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