I was tagged

24 2 7

Uh so i got tagged in a thing by 

1. Favorite music? I would have to say song wise Stronger Than You Frisk version. Idk why it's just my favorite. My favorite genre wise would be dubstep.

2. Favorite sport? Gaming.

3. Favorite band? Maroon 5.

4. Favorite show? The Simpsons. owo)b

5. Favorite movie? Jurassic Park. I like blood

6. Favorite color? Lime green.

7. Favorite food? Shrimp Alfredo from Olive Garden. Its really good.

8. Favorite drink? Water.

9. Favorite video game? Bendy and the Ink Machine or Five Night's at Freddy's Sister Location.

10. Tagging: I challenge @Bitty2004 and 

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