Anakin's Fear

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~Narrator voice~

on their way to their next battle Ashoka stops by the Medical bay to make sure the electicity attack did not cause permanent damage, after her scans and test the medical droid said that all of the residual effects from the electricity were gone and that she would be find, but he recommended her to see a doctor immediately if she felt any change to the way she felt.

~Ashoka's POV~
later in the day Master Skywalker had called me to speak with him about the up and coming battle to make sure all the bases were covered with myself and the troops in the briefing prior to the battle.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Few Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Anakin's POV

I walked into the command center to see Rex and Ashoka at the stratagy table as we were jumping through hyperspace on our way to geanocia. I walked over and asked how the planning was going and Rex said " Sir the commander and I have devised a plan but we will need General Obi-wan and General Mundi if they are available" I created a conference call with Mundi and Obi-wan and discussed the plan with Ashoka and Rex to see if they were available to assist in the fight. both Obi-wan and Mundi agreed as well as calling Luminara for back up once the initial attack was finished. As the preparation hours have passed I called Obi-wan and Mundi who had arrived moments ago with their fleets. Obi-wan, Mundi, Myself and Ashoka all had different landing zones for the invasion. 3 collectively different zone. Once we had lanched to fly to our different landing zones Ashoka and i had to forcefully land away from our landing zone, we contacted Mundi and he as well had a crash landing and the planetary scan showed that only Obi-Wan had made it to the landing zone but no one was able to contact him. Ashoka and i feared the worst but continued of to our landing zone we were forced away from. Along the way we destroyed the fortified wall and met up with Master Mundias we continued on to the landing zone.

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