Pjo and Hp fan thing

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You know that moment when you think of what McGonagall's first name is?


I was looking up McGonagall's info on Harry Potter wiki(for fan fiction purposes) when I found that her great-grandmother was named Minerva..

What if McGonagall..

Is the Roman Goddess Minerva's great-granddaughter through McGonagall's Grandmother who was a Demi-god born of Minerva the Goddess and a wizard??

XD lol.

But really! Minnie, our beloved Gryffindor head of house, transfiguration professor could have some demi-god in her XD She had top marks on her N.E.W.T.s after all...

I know she doesn't but for crossovers this is useful if you plan on Minnie being part demigod lol xD

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