Will and Carol: The House

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William woke up on a sunny Saturday morning yawning. He looked around and grinned when he remember what he was doing today. Today was the 13th of March, one of the most important days to him. It was his loves, Carol's, birthday today. She always says she doesn't want anything special but this year he couldn't resist, plus he had been saving up for it for what seems like forever.

He silently got out of the bed so Carol could sleep in. He left the annoyingly small bedroom and went to the equally small kitchen. They both lived in a minuscule flat. It had all they needed but they both didn't feel at home in it. Will refused to let Carol pay any of the rent as he earned a lot of money being a YouTuber. Infact he earned much more than he let on. He had being paying the rent and shopping and all the bills. Carol wanted to pay for them but the conversation always ended the same.

"Will why can't I pay for anything? I have a job and earn money!" Carol would huff.

"You can, just not yet baby" Will would always reply, having an idea in the back of his mind.

Will made breakfast and carried it in when he heard Carol stir.

"Good morning, and a happy birthday to you my love" Will sad smiling.

"Oh baby thank you!" Carol smiled, happy for the breakfast.

Will looked at his watch and saw it was 10:05 am.

"Okay, you can eat that then have a shower and get dressed, I have a surprise for you" he said, gently kissing her

"It best not be anything big mister" she chided.

He just giggled and started getting dressed. 55 minutes later he was driving Carol down the road to the surprise. Carol had no idea where they were going or where they were as she had been blindfolded.

"Why can't I know where we're going?" Carol whined.

"Because I said so now just relax, you will love it" Will said grinning.

He pulled up to a large beautiful house and pulled into the drive way. He stopped the car and got out, walked over to the other side and helped Carol out and guided her to a spot where she could see the beauty of the house.

He smiled and slowly took off the blind fold and stood back smiling.

"Happy birthday my love"

To Be Continued

Will and Izzy: The HouseWhere stories live. Discover now