Sucked In

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**Baz Pitch**

If someone would have asked me who I hated most a year ago, I would have immediately replied with Simon Snow. If you asked me now, I wouldn't know what to say. The Chosen One was my life now, no matter how much it shocked me to say so.

We had graduated from Watford after the war against the Humdrum and the Mage had been won. We now lived in an apartment near my father and the rest of my family. Simon had been reluctant to leave Watford even after the mess with the our enemies, but somehow I had been able to get him away from there.

I guess I kind of understood why he had refused to leave. Watford had always been the closest thing he'd had to a home, and the Mage was the closest thing he'd had to a fatherly figure. If I hadn't figured out how to make Simon leave the school, I had a feeling he would have somehow convinced the professors to let him stay at Watford.

Though Simon constantly complained about missing the school of magic, he also constantly talked about how much he loved the small apartment we had chosen to live in. Simon had been the one to choose the place we were now living in. It had been paid for by my parents, who had claimed that it was a graduation gift for the two of us. Simon had been appalled when he had been informed it had been gifted to us, but in the end he figured he should be more grateful than anything else. I had gladly agreed that it was the perfect place for us to live, and Simon was happy enough about that. He was happy enough because we both loved our new place.

There was only one problem that I had when it came to being with Simon. He constantly asked me to turn him into a vampire. I tried to convince him that it wasn't a good idea for me to turn him yet, but Simon refused to listen. The topic never failed to come up with him, yet I never failed to shut it down. I had thought about turning him in the past, of course. I just needed to be sure that the two of us would last longer than a couple of years. I wasn't going to turn him and then suddenly dump him when I realized we weren't meant to be. He knew that, but didn't seem to respect that value much. I sometimes figured living in a house away from others would also be helpful, but I never really brought that up.

"Baz," a voice suddenly called from above me. "Baz, wake up."

I let out a tired groan as I peeled my eyes open. He gave me a tiny smile, watching me turn onto my back. I blinked sleepily and gave him a confused look.

"What do you want, Snow," I asked, a fake and quiet edge to my voice. "I doubt that anything you have to say is more important than me sleeping."

Simon chuckled softly at my acting skills, probably knowing I was just pretending to be annoyed. It wasn't everyday that I pretended to hate him, even when he tried to wake me up. I had a feeling he had grown used to my sarcasm during our first year as roommates.

"We got a call from Penny," he said, his smile growing into a grin as he spoke of his best friend. "She said that she and Agatha are going to come over."

"When will they be over?" I hummed, opening up my eyes a little more. "How much time do I have to get ready?"

"That's the thing," Simon said slowly. "I let you sleep in until they got here. We've been talking in the livingroom for the last ten minutes."

Simon pulled the covers off of me, helping me get out of bed, after I had started sitting up. He left the room as I walked to the dresser, letting me get dressed. I pulled on an old hoodie of Simon's over a plain black t-shirt, figuring Penelope and Agatha wouldn't care if I wasn't completely dressed up. I mentally debated on whether or not I wanted to change out of my pajama pants and eventually decided against it.

"I apologize for not being up when you guys got here," I said as I walked out of the bedroom, sitting down beside Simon. "I'm sure you could have noticed that my boyfriend forgot to wake me up."

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