a begining to the end of one tragedy

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Abby POV
Why? All I can ask my self is why. I loved my twin. She was my other half and now she's gone. Just like that with one spell gone. All I can ask myself is why? Why her? Why this war? She had so much a head of her. Now she's gone. Blown into oblivion. Never to be seen again. As I am in deep thought I feel someone touch my holder. I turn to see Mrs. Wesley with tear stained cheeks looking at me.
"Abby are you OK? Where is Alexis?" She asked me. When I heard her say my twins name I just to start crying again.
"Oh honey. Im so sorry Abby. She is in a much better place now. She is with your parents, and... Fred." She said
When I heard her say Fred's name I gasped and started to cry harder. Fred Wesley my best friend is gone too. I thought to my self.
"Im so sorry for your loss Mrs. Wesley. Fred was my best friend I did not know that he was now gone." I said
"I know dear. We have lost to many people... I know you lost your family as well. I made a promise to your mother that I would take care of you. So I was hoping that you would come and stay with me and my family." Mrs. Wesley asked. I have been staying with the Wesley family for about 3 months now because of the war.
" Yes of course Mrs. Wesley. I would be honored to stay with you." I said
" Good now we will be leaving here in a little while." Mrs. Wesley said with a smile on her face. When she walked away I looked an my sister and parents one last time before walking over to the Wesley family.

Hey guys I hope u enjoy. Just to let you know I am slow to update

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