chap 3 next morning

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The next morning was weird I felt like I should avoid him after our night together of closeness.
When I walked in the kitchen I felt him watching me.
There was silence in the air as Zak walked in for a moment I felt like time stood still ,why did he have this effect on me we barely know each other.

Zak:- hey beautiful

I just looked at him rolling my eyes & went back to my breakfast.
Zak just done a slight laugh I shrugged it off when he looked back at me.
He looked intense .
I was numb but not from him but my own emotions paralysis that had taken over me out of curiosity I looked back at him & he was staring at me.
Zak:- not talking today then just wanna stare at me.
I was now planning on backing up & leaving.
I wondered what was on my mind & if things would ever be the same again before I ended up here in this place I call hell.
I was in a bad place emotionless mentally
I reached my bathroom & turned on the shower letting the warm water nudge my emotions from me but I still couldn't shake one thing off my mind (him) Mr,mysterious .
I've never let anyone get to me like he does.
I reached over & shut off the water cool air swarmed around my body as I slid out the shower door open
Wrapping myself in my towel I caught myself looking in the mirror who had I become what was I to become.
I needed to get out of here this hellhole & fast before I became someone in a padded cell rocking back & forwards listening to the voices in my head .
The sun coming in through the window I opened my curtains
I shook my head & my mind plagued with my anxious head threatening to spill out all my emotions
I've become a cold hearted bitch & all friends say so I was becoming emotionless & empty I need to leave & now away from Zak & everything I've known I don't want to bring him into my world I gotta go & only when I finish work I'll leave.

new life Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz