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I headed for the girls toilets totally irritated with flora I managed to get towards the girls room with a bit of help by asking direction’s from other people when I walked in I wasn’t alone in the toilets a girl was their her chocolate skin and raven coloured hear in a plat she trend   towards me as if she knows I’m there she gave me a wolf like smile her dark brown eyes look wiled and daring me to pick a fight I walked to the sink and look in the mirror

“well well look what the wolf dragged in hi I’m ash (I turn to take her hand and shake it) the leader of trop rebel and floras  best friend I now she’s in your group with Ethan in skyshy since there is only three people in your group you will have two put two groups two in to one  but I guess you haven’t  chosen the grope leader yet I’ll tell you the other leaders are you no I’m trope rebel, Dan is seekers Hailey is  Riley is undying frost oh look at the time see ya  Mollie ” ash said then bumped my shoulder on the way out I glance to see her leave and flora outside to see if I’m in hear oh for goodness sake cut me some slack I can’t  be left alone for one moment can I . flora walked in “so what do you want a fight because if you think I’ll back down then think again I won’t back down” I snarl my hands start to feel tingly  with power

 flora looked at my hands  a glint in her eyes then says politely “I’m sorry can you forgive me I did not realize you’re not max’s relatives  I just fort because he asks girls to go out with him or he will make your life a living hell I now from experience my anger against him you see ash her sister disappeared one day after he gone out with her other girls say he killed her or abducted her no one knows and I thought you’d be just like him in girl form I’m sorry” “OK well I forgive you as long as you keep this jerk from my sister it will be fine” I replied  wearily we link arms and go to class

when we went in the teacher turned round "so why are you late to my presentation with the gropes girls"the young teacher raced his eyebrow's I opened my mouth to explain but flora said before I can say a word "I'm sorry Mr Lime Mollie was not felling well so I had to take her to the medical room  I hope we didn't miss your presentation  you worked so hard on"she told him as we go to join a blond hard boy which I guess is Ethan he did not look happy I didn't pay attention to what Mr lime was saying the bell rang and everyone scatted out of the classroom

 it was me ,Ethan and Flora hear no one else he stud up and walked to the class board he rote all are names then Announced that we vote who will be the leader of skyshy by the end of the voting we came to a decision of Ethan being the leader of skyshy  my excuse was I'm to shy and Ethan agreed with me that Flora dues not think but act after that the time flu by it was lunchtime i meet up with

Ethan Flora at the canteen she tells me where their siting "trope rebel are next to the window they are the bad boys or girls in the school stile mile are on the Right of them they are the girly girls other older gropes are around them seekers are next to the wall on computers and other technology and talking at the same time there like nerds but with a vile attitude undying frost are in the middle they chat  make jokes they are players they are very close wive trope rebel so don't get on the bad side of them because if they team up with trope rebel to make your life hell then run like the wind and don't look back" "well they sound like a nice grope hey is that Riley over there in  that grope I'm going to say hi"I replied and jogged over there Riley looked up at me and gave a smile "hey moll are you in joying arrow & cross?"he questioned me

"well it is definitely dramatic" i giggled he's smile terns in to a big grin "good to hear moll " he replied "hey Riley who's the hot chick"some guy said as he walked up to us "hey man this is Mollie Mollie this is my brother Leo" Riley explain to us both as Leo came close to us he gave me a wink with a grin on his face I smiled in return "well its nice to see you but Riley has a meeting with the other leaders on which day will the gropes go and do camping so nice to  meet you now Millay but go away to the other girls while us men speck about business that dues not concern a little girl like you so get lost see ya vamoose" Leo declared

 I was shocked of what he just said my moth drooped open damen came up to me and garbed my hand racing me away I soon snapped out of my shock  my anger rising "what the hell I am going to kick his fat butt for being rude" I declared to damen as he lets go of my hand when were at the table of trope rebel  he just grunted at my response "moll don't bother if you start a fight on day one what will Jocelyn think and its not worth your attention to trash like him"he lectured me "OK bro I'm going to see clary and tell her what that buttbag said to me" I uttered

then skipped over to her table the girls looked at me as if I was some freak who wants to be with the hot girls I found clary making small talk with some of the girls "hey clary can we talk "I whispered lowed so she can only hear me I no she herd me she glanced but kept on talking to the girl "hello  clary can I speck with you"I said louder she terns to me and says "sorry do I no you?"she stated with a puzzled look the girls on the table looked at me in disgust "yes I'm your sister ho I'm sorry to say  but you are acting like a total girl dog and I'm sorry to say it to my on sister" I growled and stormed off to my next class people stared at me but wright now I don't care what they think when it was time to go home I take out my phone look at the time it is four thirty and send will a text 

to will pine

hey will I'm going to stay and do some home work hear u go on the bus with the others tell them ill catch a ride with a friend love u moll xxxooo

a moment later

to moll pine

K don't stay 2 long see u at home be safe sweetheart try & get back before ten  damen says hi & I love u 2 sweetheart from will xxxxoooo

then go to the library after three hours of working on how many tapes of bacteria I pack up my folder with my work in leaving the library when some on bumped in front of me making my folders contents fall on the flour "watch where your going moron  stay out of my way" a male voice snapped as I go to pick up my stuff "I'm sorry but I don't have time to chat with you"I replied not looking at the person "hey aren't you the new girl in my cousin's grope? now Watts it called by sky hi shy trope poop skyshy yes that's it skyshy"the voice said at that I looked up to see silver eyes with gold flecks

staring at me "I'm sorry but what is your name?"he asked as he started to help get my work back to the folder the last peace of paper we both get it are hands meet I felt a warm tingle go up my arm he moves away and we step up to meet each others gaze he hands me my folder "I'm moll Mollie pine whats your name" I ask "I'm Louie Edward Ethan's step cousin nice to meat you moll"Louie replied "well nice to meet you Louie Edward but I have to get home"I told him "I can drive you home so you dont have to walk" he replied "hey I'm only fourteen only people can drive if there seventeen " I said "not if you ride a quad bike"he replied "OK"I said we walk to the car Park

 there it was the quad he gave me a helmet I put my hands on his muscular  waist as he put his on we he starts the quad and race off the speed was so fast we finely get to my House and come to a Holt we take the helmet off Louie helps me off and he walks me to my door "wow that was amazing i want to go again " I said Louie grinned at my response"thanks normal girls don't like riding on them well I better go if you want  to ride again hears my number"he gives me his number  and a wink then leaves i walk back in to the house

lost pixwolf (on hold slow updates )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ