・• A Deal With A Devil ・•

Start from the beginning

Attempting to quiescent her nerves, she breathes, deep.
She knew not where she had been taken, but the feeling in her gut sent warning signals to her brain, and the adrenaline gradually overtakes her.

Mechelle stands in utter silence behind the woman, terrified of what is to come.

"Milord." Cerovella speaks, "She is ready." Standing aside, she reveals the mortal woman behind her, and to his surprise.

"Mhm." He hums, "Leave us."

She bows quickly, before departing, leaving the two in absolute silence.
Although, brief.

"Please, sit." He demands.

Striding toward the elongated table, she takes a seat opposite of Loki, her eyes glued to the dome platter directly front of her.

"I take it, that you are starved?" He hadn't given her a moment to answer, not that she intended to, "The dish in front of you, is the finest Asgard has to offer. I guarantee your enjoyment."

He sat silently, expecting a simple reply, only to hear the opposite.

"Why am I here?"

"We're not complaining now, are we?"

"It's not a complaint, It's a question." Although she had been afraid, Mechelle would not dare to show that side of her. There are people, who feed on the fear of other beings, and she hadn't intend to give in to that fear.

"Oh." Loki laughs, "You have a bit of a bite, don't you sweetheart." His voice made her skin crawl, "With just the snap of my fingers." He sniggers, playfully examining the cup he held oh so elegantly between them.

He could kill me. Her subconscious reminds.

Her mind races, as her heart rate accelerates.
She swallows, hard, before parting her lips to speak.

"And would killing me bring you satisfaction?"

"Satisfaction is not in my nature." His words were quick, no sign of hesitation.

"Then, why?" Mechelle hadn't the chance to consider her words carefully, the only thing her mind and body knew, was that she wanted to survive. "You're obviously not thinking big enough."


"You are a God, correct?"

"Do you intend to challenge me?"

"No," She pauses, "It just seems like a waste of a life, don'tchu think. You have all of this power. You can bend people to your will and the only thing you can think of, is murder. It just seems like a waste."

Loki scoffs, "What are you getting at?"

"I'm your prisoner. I can't escape. You can do whatever you want with me." And before she could rephrase her sentence, a wide grin spreads across the Gods face.

Shit. She chides, within.

"You're absolutely right." He agrees, "I can do whatever I want, with you. Or anyone, for that matter. Perhaps, sparing your life hadn't been a terrible idea."

A meager wave of relief sweeps over her.

On the bright side, your life would be spared, again. The inadequate voice spoke.

"Understand this, mortal," His tone, bitter, "Disobey me and I will kill you."

This Is The End. ✩

I've been going through each chapter to revise and edit. So, do not be surprised if parts have been added or deleted.

Thank you for reading and I do hope that you have enjoyed the story, thus far.

**Note: Mechelle has no idea that Loki is the "current" ruler of Asgard. Whether he tells or her not, is the question.

Arigatō Gōzaimasu.
Sayonara~ ✩*.゚

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