chapter 5 - You're Undead To Me

Start from the beginning

Damon was weakly lying on the floor. "Where's my ring?" 

"Won't be needing it anymore," Kaylin told him.

Damon groaned. "How long have I been here?" 

"Three days," Kaylin answered.

"What are you doing?" Damon complained weakly. 

Kaylin looked up at the ceiling, quoting something, mocking the words. "'During the Dark Ages, when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race, they would face judgment. They sought to reeducate them rather than to punish them.'" She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Stefan still thinks he can teach me the history of vampires even though he should know by now that  I don't care." 

Damon ignored her attempt to try to lighten the mood. "You know what will happen if I don't feed on blood."

"You'll grow weaker and weaker," Kaylin told him. "And, eventually, you won't be able to move or speak. In a week, your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify. A living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever."

"So, what, you're just gonna leave me in the basement forever?" Damon asked. 

"Stefan's injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak," Kaylin told him. "Once your circulation stops, we'll move you to the family crypt." She spoke with sarcasm and nonchalance. "And then in 50 years, we can reevaluate."

"I'm stronger than you think," Damon told her. 

"You always have been," Kaylin told him. "But you're not stronger than the vervain, and we both know it." For the first time since she had come down to check on her brother, she let herself be completely serious, showing how sorry and guilty she really felt. "I'm sorry." Damon didn't answer. "Didn't have to be this way"

Kaylin turned around, walking out of the basement. 

Damon groaned, lying his head back on the dirt floor of the cell. 


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 


Gilbert House - Alex/Elena's Room 

(Song:) When A Heart Breaks - S.O. Stereo 

Elena was slowly waking up in her bed, depressed. She grabbed her diary off of the bedside table, sitting up, opening the journal, having a pen in her hand. Instead of writing, she put the cap back on the pen, closing her diary, setting it down. 

Alex was awake on the other side of the room, looking toward her. "Don't know what to write, huh?" 

"What should I write?" Elena asked. "About more confusion and more pain?"

"All right, then," Alex told her awkwardly, walking toward the bathroom, opening it to reveal Vicki inside, brushing her teeth. 

Vicki stopped brushing her teeth, looking at Alex awkwardly, but her gaze wasn't at all that friendly. "I--I'm sorry." Alex looked at her in complete confusion. "I'm almost done." 

"It's--It's okay," Alex told her. "Take your time." 

Alex walked out of the room, closing the door, still confused. 


Jeremy's Room 

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