chapter 1

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I open my eyes suddenly and look at the clock. It's 5:30 and I have to leave for the airport in 30 minutes. My alarm was supposed to go off and my
mother was supposed to come in to make sure I was awake.

I jumped out of bed and finished packing. I quickly did my makeup and my hair. After that, it was already 6:15. My flight leaves in almost an hour.

"Mom! Let's go!" I yell as I walk out of my room with my suitcase.

"Why are you so late?" She asks, obviously forgetting that she was supposed to check on me.

I roll my eyes and don't reply. I make my way to the car and quickly put my things into the trunk. I hop in the front seat with my earphones in my ears blasting my music.

We get to the airport just on time. I was so scared I was going to miss my flight but thankfully, I didn't. I walk to my gate and stand in line to get on the plane.

I touch the plane for good luck and go find my seat. There's an old man sitting next to my seat.

"Excuse me." I say politely.

He looks up and grins. He gets out of his seat and lets me in to the window seat.

I wait which seems like forever for the plane to finally take off. I close my eyes and listen to my music until the plane lands in Texas.

"We are getting ready to land in Austin, Texas." The pilot says over the intercom which wakes me from my sleep.

I sit up and smile to myself. I am so excited to see my best friend. My best friend, Lexie, moved to LA a couple of months ago and we've never got around to visit each other but now since it's summer and I've always wanted to go to LA, my mom let me go stay with her for the summer. 

I exit off the plane and find the gate to Los Angeles. The gate is all the way across the airport. I take a deep breath and start walking fast. The plane landed later than it was supposed to. So there's a chance I could miss it but I'm hoping I don't, like this morning.

I get the gate and I see no one standing around. I run up to the desk and the lady gives me a strange look.

"The flight to Los Angeles, did I miss it?" I ask, panting.

"Yes. You just did, I'm very sorry." She says to me. You've got to be kidding me. I can't get stuck here.

"Well when is the next flight?"

"Tomorrow morning at 7." She tells me with a fake smile.

"So you're telling me I have to sleep here over night?" I start to raise my voice.

She nods and looks away from me. She's probably getting embarrassed but I don't care. I'm pissed that I'm stranded at the Austin airport. I would get a hotel but I don't want to waste my money on that.

I take a seat at the gate and get comfortable because I'm going to be here for awhile.

"You too?" A voice says from behind me.

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