Chapter One

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Chapter one:

Next week is my eighteenth birthday the day I've been waiting for two years, since the day I found out about what my parents were planning about my arranged marriage. I will be marring in three months but if my plan works I will be free from everything and I can have my freedom; I just hope my plan works and I won't end up in something bad, see my luck is not always with me so I'm hoping that the luck is with me this time. While I'm here having a conversation with myself, I didn't even heard what my best friends were saying. I decided to tell them about my plan cause they are the only people I trust with anything so I decided to tell them.

"So Maisy, do you agree with me or Stella" Hailey said

"Guys! I need to tell you something really important and you both are arguing on something that is not important" I said trying to change the subject cause I knew what ever they were arguing was not important and I didn't really know what they were talking about and i needed to get to the point.

"Sorry" they both said it at once

"So what do you want to tell us that you couldn't tell us on the phone" Stella said

"Well I don't know how to say it but I'll just say it" I said it not sure how to start "I will be running away right after my birthday next week"

"What, why" they both said it at same time, I don't get it how they do it

"Well, I planned this two years ago when I found out that my parents are planning an arranged marriage for me with someone I have no idea about they never told me about it, I heard them talk about few times but when I heard them for the first time I didn't thought they were serious but I heard them talking about a lot so I planned on running away.

I heard them on phone with someone last week they were talking about the marriage they said to the person on the phone that they can meet me after my birthday next week so I have to run away after the party and I will be leaving for Paris and I already found a job and a place to live and you guys are the only one who knows about my plan and I'm hoping that you guys won't tell anyone about the plan or were I'm going." They both didn't say a word while I was telling them about my plan and I was glad about that. At the end they both had a shocked expression; well they took it better than I thought.

"Are you sure you want to run away rather than talk to your parents about it, if you want me and Stella can talk to them" Hailey said trying to convince me not run away.

"I'm sure about it Hailey and I'm pretty sure that I don't even want to talk to them about this even if I mention to them that I know about the they will be watching me every second for sure, which I don't I want" I said, I really don't want to talk to them because if I did talk to them I will end up crying I front of them on how I feel betrayed. I can't believe even my agreed to the marriage I'm seriously I thought she would be there for me on my worst day but I guess I was wrong.

Run... (Rewriting)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ