Remember Your Roots.

Start from the beginning

She pointed at him, "I'll let you in on a secret," Noah left the cupboards and sat on the bench that Richelle's shoes were on, while she sat and resumed stretching on the floor. "I prefer studio A. I'm not sure why..."

Noah smiled, "I think i do too. The atmosphere is warmer, and when i dance in here i feel more alive."

Richelle looked at the ground and licked her lips. She seemed nervous to speak and Noah knew she was going to say something deeper than she usually would.  "I think it's because for so long i wanted to be able to dance in here every day. I sometimes took extra classes in things i didn't need to take class in, just because they were held in here." 

Richelle paused and took a breath, "I was only on A Troupe in this studio for one season. It seems almost underwhelming how little time i got in here compared to how much work i did."

Noah nodded, she had a point. For as long as he had known Richelle, her only goal had ever been to be on A Troupe, and dance in Studio A. He could understand her reasoning. To want something for so long and to only have it for one dance season wasn't exactly rewarding. He always appreciated it when she opened up to him.

Richelle smiled at him, shaking off the sadness she was developing from talking about the studio, and focusing on happier thoughts. "Do you remember our first A Troupe auditions? I don't think I've ever been so nervous."

"I remember when they said we got past the first round and i was really proud of us both," Noah admitted.

"We've come such a long way. We worked so hard, Noah." Richelle smiled proudly.

"This studio basically made us who we are. I feel like i'm betraying it sometimes when i dance in the other one." Noah laughed and Richelle chuckled, but she felt the exact same way. She dreaded the day she would leave The Next Step for good.

Noah hadn't spent time with Richelle in a long time, or at least time that didn't involve dance

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Noah hadn't spent time with Richelle in a long time, or at least time that didn't involve dance. He was trying to get her to keep talking, because she seemed to have  completely forgotten about the rehearsal. It wasn't that Noah didn't want to rehearse, of course he did, especially after yesterday, but he was enjoying himself. It was nice to see Richelle less uptight and actually talking about something other than dance.

Noah knew she would only get panicked if she procrastinated any longer though, and did the right thing, even though he didn't want to. "Shall we rehearse then?"

"Oh, yeah..." Richelle chuckled again and got up off the floor, watching Noah as he went back to the cupboard with his bag in, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah, yeah... Look." Noah took his phone from his pocket and saw Richelle gulp. He knew she was probably reminded of yesterday's events by looking at it and decided to nip the bad memories, in the bud. He unzipped his bag and threw his phone in. 

Richelle did a small smile, not wanting to look too happy with him, she was still mad at his behaviour yesterday. "It's on vibrate, as well, so it's not going to interrupt," Noah assured, and he zipped up his bag, heading over to where she was. "I really am sorry for yesterday. I promise it won't happen again, i don't know where my head was at." Noah seemed sincere to Richelle but she didn't really trust many people, or open up. She also felt as though she had let loose enough for one day even though it had only been a couple of minutes, so she retained the stern face that she was known for.

Keep your shirt on, Noah.Where stories live. Discover now