Secrets Revealed

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A/N: Hey Millers! Been a while! Here is a long awaited scene from the future of Life and Lies, that unfortunately got ended before I could write this. Stay tuned for more Life and Lies one-shots in the future, and also an exciting new original work in progress! Hope you enjoy this little unedited short. Hope y'all enjoy


Dean's fists were balled, trembling with barely concealed anger. Each footstep rang in the air as he paced. Sam, on the other hand, sat motionlessly on his bed, expression unreadable no matter how hard I searched. The silence was deafening. You couldn't've cut the air with a butcher's knife.

Until, fidgeting uncomfortably, I had to say something. "You weren't supposed to find out."

Dean took that as his cue, unable to bite back his rage any longer. He advanced on me, and I found myself flinching under a glare that was so like dad's, and those memories were raw right now.

"How could you keep this hidden from us, Mil?"

I studied my hands, trying and failing to clear my head. "Dad - he loved you two."

"He loved you too, Mil," Sam murmured.

Was that supposed to comfort me? I scoffed. "Don't pretend you didn't see it back there. Dad hated my guts. He wished I hadn't been born - he told me that enough times himself."

"Dad may have made some mistakes, but he wasn't abusive."

"Not to you, maybe," I shot back, unable to help my own surge of anger. "You were the perfect son, you could do no wrong. Look at me, Dean. I am the reason mom is dead. And I look like her, everybody says so. Dad could never forgive me for that."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Mil," Sam said.

Jesus. He was trying to help, but it just wasn't working. "Does it matter? In dad's eyes, I as good as killed her."

I watched Sam rise, and shuffled over as he sat down beside me.


I could feel the tears now, wet and sticky on my cheeks. I pushed my brother away. "It doesn't matter anymore. I left that life behind a long time ago."

"I'm so sorry, Mil," Sam whispered, face uncomfortably close to my ear. "If I'd've known..."

"Dad didn't want anybody to know," I found myself snapping. "That's why he did it behind closed doors. He was too afraid the cops would catch up to him."

"Maybe they should have."

Dean whirled around, eyes blazing green fire, now directed at Sam. "Don't you dare say that. He's our dad."

"And look what he did to Mil," Sam shot back.

Dean's daggers turned on me. "Where's your proof, then? Huh? If it was really as bad as that demon made it look, you should have something to show for it."

"Dean!" Sam burst out.

But it was fair enough.

"No, Sam, it's okay," I muttered, rising to my feet. Fingers trembling, I fumbled with the buttons of my shirt, and threw it on the bed behind me.

"What have we said about undressing, Mil? Do it in the bathroom, okay?" I couldn't tell if Dean was joking or not, but I glared anyway.

I pulled off my t-shirt, and stood in the motel room in front of my brothers in my bra, not really caring. The boys were staring at my scarred stomach, but they were mostly bullet and knife scars, not what I wanted to show here anyway. I turned around, and let the boys see my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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