A Spell gone Wrong

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A/N Hi folks! Its time for a sequel for my most popular book, Tamestress! This book is going to be written in a different style, with alternating POVS, and with Flashback chapters. Flashback chapters are going to be written in third person, and tell the past and backstories of certain characters. I could talk forever, but I think Its time to start the story! 

            The girl was found around midnight, lying on the street, under a dim streetlight. She had dark brown hair, with red streaks running through it. People crowded around her, for anything out of ordinary was quickly noticed in this city.

          The girl knew nothing of her past, or herself, except her own name, Skylar. It was quickly noticed she was different, for she had a sword strapped to her waist, made of diamond.

           The crowd whispered uneasily. The sword was hand-made, and similar to the ones of the Evil Myths, and magic-doers they had heard of hundreds of years ago.

           Another girl hid in the bushes, quietly watching the scene. She sensed magic in this girl, Skylar, but it was not like her own.  Her Curse, she thought bitterly.

             The girl could see the people quickly becoming suspicious, and was tempted to try and help this girl, create a charm to remove the suspicion. I have a curse, not a gift. It will not help anyone, she tried to reason with herself. But she couldn't just watch the girl have her magic discovered and have her killed. She had magic like herself, possibly even cursed, but she was like her, in a way. She had to try.

                The girl lifted the hood of the cloak off her head, to reveal dark purple eyes. She took a deep breath, and chanted,

The folk's suspicion has begun,

reverse the attention that has arisen,

and keep her secret known to no one.

          The girl instantly realized her mistake in words for the chant. The people started to ignore Skylar, and walk away. I have cursed her, to be a nobody, invisible. She felt a ping of sadness, for this was just a reminder of how her curse was a curse, and never will be anything else. The girl lifted her cloak to see that the bushes and grass around her had shriveled up and died. She clutched her cloak and ran, for she knew that if she had reversed the people's suspicion, she would not go unnoticed for long.

          Skylar grew up to be a seventh wheel invisible. She supposed this was a good thing, for they never made much of a fuss or realized how strange it was that her foster parents house was burned down, and there were no survivors, even when they had plenty of time to escape. My curse Skylar thought bitterly, and little did she know, she was not the only cursed person to be blamed.

                The magic sealed the doors shut of the room. They shook them to attempt to get out, but there was burning debree against the door on the other side. Meanwhile two girls sat outside, sobbing in the buses, for they both thought the deaths were their fault.

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