1- A full moon day

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Manvi pov:

My saturday night was so boring as usual. I was just sitting all alone in the terrace and staring at the sky.
Does that sound good?
Yes ofcourse. It does for me.
The night was brighter than usual as it was the full moon day. I was totally fedup looking into my phone and laptop. Technology does not help out always. And that is why it is the sky today.

I hummed a tune trying to make it sound like a song. Songs are always a friend to all, whether they know to sing or not. The other noticeable source of joy was counting the stars with that smoothing and amazing cool breeze all around. Actually it was a bit shivering too.

'He likes to be in this weather.' My inner devil said.
There came the sudden old thought of him. The sour feel of rejection. Just his thought made tears roll down my chin. The constant feel that i would never match him and things won't work out between us made my chest block and throat choke.
My eye sight just went black
when his thought blocked
my mind and soul. The amazingly bright full moon now seemed so blurred through my teary eyes.

I was crying like a mad in the terrace with no one noticing me.

I realised that the time just rolled on when i noticed the stillness of my surroundings. Only the sound of my weep was audible. I guessed it was already midnight by that time.

'Should I get back to my room now?' I asked myself.
Then I just silently went back to my room. I cried more than what a person could imagine about crying. The heavyness of my heart reduced when i cried more than enough in my room that night.

I think that it must have been early in the morning when i just dozzed off to sleep out of tiredness. I heared distant foot steps and other noices outside on the road before i just slept which indicated me it was dawn.

I had just spent many sleepless nights like this before just thinking about him and just admiring how great and amazing he is.

'Will this continue?'


Opened my eyes when the bright sun's rays shined on my face through the window curtains. It took few minutes for my eyes to adjust to that light.
I felt so tired as soon as i woke up.
I din't sleep properly the last night. But it has just become a routine feel for me. I woke up and went to refresh myself. The sleep I had was just like a nap for me.

I walked inside the toilet. The mirror showed me a dull lean girl so tired and fedup of her life. I ignored it and made a messy bun with my hair.

Brushed my teeth and took a warm bath. Nearly after 25 to 30 minutes I returned and searched for my phone.
'Where did you keep it Manvi?' I questioned myself while searching. Atlast I found it somewhere in the corner of my room. I think I droped it there last night before I moved to my terrace.
Oh! Atlast I remember something.

I picked it up and opened the screen. It showed 8:15 am along with the most shocking thing - I have received 35 missed calls and 23 text messages from my boss. Just 1 single person.

Did I tell you before?
I work as a senior journalist in a magazine named "THE TRUTH".

'What could be the possible reason?' I thought.
I just called him back. He picked the call so early as I had the doubt whether even the call ringed once before he picked.

"Hello sir" I said.

"Where did you go last night? Why din't you pick up your phone?" He barked back at me.

"Sorry sir, I didn't notice. " I said him.

There prevailed a silence for few seconds. I sensed that he was a bit furious on the other end.

"Tell me sir , what's the issue? How can I help you?" I questioned him without waiting further .

"You have your next project ready MS.PERFECT . I tried conveying this to you yesterday." he answered atlast. A small smile crept on my face.

"I am so happy sir. What is the project about?" I asked him with atmost curiosity.


"All about journey of his life until his new giant success in his business." He continued.

"He is the hot talk of the city now. The project is for a time period of two weeks. You will have to go to his company and do your project work. Then atlast you will have a direct interview with him for much more clarity in your project. You will have to write all about him in just few pages and prove the impossible thing. Be ready, our entire team is happy for you."
he continued again but hung up the call after that.

It was a thunder clap in my ears. My entire team was happy about this but not me.

Tears again started rolling down my chin. It irritated and annoyed me to the core that I was to meet him again, the person whom I thought I should never meet again in my life . More than that I should do my next entire project all about him.

'All about his life? Its a mess. A total mess. All shit put together in one place.' My sense cried inside me.

"Why the hell is god so cruel to me alone? Does he not have any mercy towards this poor soul?"


💥💥💥Author note💥💥💥

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