2016 Moving

14 1 0

Sorry this wasn't uploaded on my birthday...

October 29

Me:  what would you do if I moved away?

James: I would be sad.  But technology has allowed us to stay in contact, so that is good.

Me:  okay

October 29

Me:  how do you think everyone else would feel if I moved away?

James: Sad, but again the technology we have is good to stay in contact.

Me:  yeah, I guess your right.  How do you think B-man would feel?

James: To be all honest, he would miss you a lot.  But happy for you at the same time.

Me:  how so?

James:  Well B would be sad that he wouldn't get to see you every Tuesday night and all, but would be happy because he would hope that you can find happiness where you move too.

Me:  so you've told him that I hate this place?

James: Yes, we all try our hardest to make you seem like your at home.  

Me:  I think that I will be happier were I'm going.  But I still will miss you all.  


October 30

Me:  what would you do if I moved away?

Alex: What do you mean?

Me:  like if I moved away and never saw you again

Alex:  Bro! No matter what I will always see you!  No matter how far you are no matter what. We are bros, and bros are forever.  No matter how far apart they are. I love you man and never forget that, k?

Me:   thanks Alex.  That really means a lot.  They were just talking about how technology can make sure we stay together, but they never talk to me anyways, so I don't see the point.

Alex: He's just weird, I'm here for you bro! Don't worry about it!

Me:  okay


October 30

Me:  hello me.  No one really does care if I go or not.  They all say that we're gonna stay in touch or that we can't be separated.  But they don't really care.  Do they?

October 30

Andrew: r u dressing up this year?

Me:  no

Andrew:  That's 2 bad.  I'm not either.  My mom says it's bad for my to be going trick-or-treating at my age.  I don't agree but she won't let me go anyway.

Me:  what did you want to dress up as?

Andrew: whatever your favorite meme is

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