Chapter 2

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The Next Day


Today was technically an off day, but in my head there was no such thing as a day off. I slept in and went to the weight room around 11 after having a late breakfast. There we goals I had set for myself that I wouldn't accept not accomplishing. First, winning an NCAA Championship. For the past three seasons we haven't been able to get over the hump to get to the title game. Second, finishing the season as one of the top guards in the nation and being drafted to the WNBA. Those things weren't going to be handed to me. I had to work for it.

As soon as I got to the gym, I remembered that I left my training sneakers in my locker. Being that the training facilities were in the same building as the gym and locker room, it was a little less than a five minute walk from one side of the building to the other to get to my destination.

It hadn't crossed my mind that the guys were practicing until I heard the balls dribbling against the hardwood. They were taking turns running through the three man weave and lay up lines in for warm ups.

Lonzo was an easy spot at 6'6. I laughed to myself recounting yesterday's interactions with him. He has so much to learn as a young buck around here.

*cat call*

"I see you, Izzy! Dayyyyum!"

That had to be that idiot, Frank, who always had something to say about any girl that walked by him. When I looked up, it was him that was eyeing me all goofy like with the stupid lick of his lips that he does. Major eye roll.

Lonzo, at the back of the layup line, looked back at me and smiled. Giving a gentle head nod .

In a good mood, I smiled back and continued to walk towards the locker room.

"Lonzo, pay attention man damn. You ain't seen a baddie before?" I overheard one of the players say.

I kept forward, but couldn't help but laugh. Lonzo better keep his eyes to himself. I don't have the least bit of interest in him like that. He had way too much "local celebrity" status for me. All the girls on campus were giddy for him, so they could have that. Plus, ain't nothing I can do with an 18 year old boy.

Once I got my shoes, I decided to take an alternate route so I wouldn't risk the chance of disrupting practice again.

An hour session had worn me out and worked up an appetite. I returned to my dorm to shower and change clothes before heading to the cafe.

Keeping my abs that I worked so hard for in mind. I chose the healthy option of grilled chicken, veggies, fresh fruit and water. Most of my teammates were either still in bed or doing other things. I found a spot to myself. Most people thought it was awkward to eat alone. I definitely wasn't one of those.

I posted a picture of my healthy choices on Instagram. People who followed me that I didn't know personally always asked me what my diet was like. So, instead of typing it out every time, I posted pictures.

As I ate, I noticed the cafe starting to get a little more busy. My cue to go. I started cleaning up my area. I did have an important paper that I needed to write and some reading to catch up on.

I grabbed a banana for the walk back to my dorm. Unlike my friend Jerrold, I elected to stay on campus as a senior. I found it easier than commuting. Plus I was able to share it with my best friend Chastity, who I nicknamed Chat, the 1st baseman on the school's softball team. We met my sophomore year and have been inseparable ever since.

Just as quickly as she came to mind, her name popped up on my phone via text notification.

Chat: Hey, I'm planning on making a Wal-Mart run today? Wanna go? I'm low on water and snacks 😫

Izzy: Yeah, I'm omw back to the dorm now

Chat: ok, I'm just leaving the field from getting some throws in. We'll probably get there at the same time.


Practice went pretty well. Taking Izzy's advice worked out for me. I felt great whereas some of the guys were complaining about hangovers. We headed to the cafeteria afterwards. Mani and I decided to walk just to kill time and see the campus what was going on around campus.

As we walked through the courtyard to get to the next building, I spotted Izzy coming from the opposite direction. She had one headphone in, her phone in one hand and a banana in the other. She wasn't easy to miss with her height, curly hair out a baby blue tracksuit.

"Dude, staring makes you obvious," Mani bumped me.

"Shut up, nigga. I wasn't staring."

"Then what you call it? Gazing?" he asked, "she's a senior anyway. I know you're are big time guy that's one and donning to the league and all but that's way out of your league."

"Okay, for one it's calling looking around at my surroundings and two I have a girl. If anything ol' girl is checking for me. Watch this," I cleared my throat.

Once we were almost about to pass her, I called her name.

"Wassup Izzy?"

She looked up from her phone and didn't slow down the pace at which she walked. The peace sign and a half smile was the most she gave me. Mani busted out laughing.

"Wait right here man," I hit his arm before doing a light jog to catch up with her.

"Hurry up man! I'm hungry!" Mani called.

She was moving pretty fast, but I was able to catch her by speeding up a little and tapping her shoulder.

"Hey," I smiled at her.

She removed her earpiece and turned around, "what's up Ball? I got places to be."

I grinned, "It can't be more important than talking to me."

"Actually, yeah it is, my academics are way more important than you, sir."

"You're right...but...I just wanted to say thanks for the advice you gave me last night. That was real. I appreciate it."

"No problem."

It fell quiet with me getting caught up in looking at her once again. She was very fit, but in a feminine way. Pretty tall too. Maybe 5'11-6'0.

"You alright?" she looked at me sideways, slick laughing.

"Oh my bad. I just know. Yeah."

" kay. Bye Ball."

She turned around and walked away. Damn, I did this same shit last night. What the heck, Zo? I probably coming off like such a lame. Oh well.

I ran to catch up with Mani, who didn't let up on clowning me. He had jokes for days. That's one thing I liked about him, even if it was at my own expense.

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