Doukan the controller

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                   As soon as they arrived at the earth, they were really shocked to see the people there were destroying the things there even though they got some injuries while doing that. 'What's wrong with them??', Naga wondered. Lucky saw a man kept throwing a wood chair until his hand had covered in blood. He quickly went to him and stopped him. 'Stop it!! you already injured yourself!', he said but without any respond, the man pushed him away and continued his doing. 'It looks like all of them will keep destroying the things even if we tried to stop them', Hammy told. 'It's like they were being con..trolled', Stinger thought. 'Controlled??!', all of them shouted disbelieved. 'By who??', Spada asked. 'This must be some kind of Jark Matter's doing', Lucky thought.

                    They all decided to separated into groups and searched for any clue of the Jark Matter. Lucky, Stinger and Naga went to search it near a building, but still don't get anything. 'Stinger... is it your brother?', guessed Naga. Stinger answered shortly 'No'. 'He can't do this'.'Oh,so this was another Jark Mater's doing..hmmm', Lucky said. Suddenly the seiza blaster sounded and they connected with Hammy and Spada. 'Guys! look what we had found!', Spada informed then showed them the Jark Matter who was behind all of this.  His colour is blue, he hold an old clock at his hand. He also had a huge brain on his head. He was resting on a gold chair while ordered the human to do this and that such as brought him water and fan him. 'You guys, wait there. We will be there as soon  as possible!', Stinger ordered. 'Okyu!', Hammy and Spada obeyed. Then they disconnected.

                    'What's with him bossing them around? So annoying!', Hammy complained. 'Yep! Even the chef in the kitchen didn't boss us around..', agreed Spada. Suddenly, they heard a sound from the back. As they turned, apparently it was one of the controlled human. 'Aarkk!!', they shocked. He started to attack them. Hammy and Spada have no choice but to attack him back. 'Please stop it, mister! We can't hurt you!', Hammy begged. But the man still continue attacking them. Leaving them no choice, Spada punched his stomach and the man fell to the ground. 'Sorry', Spada apologized. 'Kyuuranger...lastly we meet', a sound came from the back. They quickly turned. 'Looks like you found us..Jark Matter', Spada said. 'Let me introduce myself, I am Doukan!', he introduced. 'Do you so clever that you have such a big burst brain on your head?? Pfffttt!!', teased Hammy. 'Shut up!How dare you!!Take this!!', mad Doukan then swang his clock to them (his clock has chain at it so he can threw it like a lasso) but Hammy and Spada successfully dodged it. 'Ikou', said Spada to Hammy. She nodded then the two of them transformed.

                   After they got the message, Lucky, Stinger and Naga quickly ran towards the place. As soon as they arrived, they were shocked to see that Hammy and Spada already transform and fought the Jark Matter. 'Take this, Giant Clock!!!!', Doukan shouted and suddenly the clock change into a huge clock. 'What is that!!??', Naga shouted. Then Doukan swang it and it hit Hammy and Spada. 'Aaargghh!!', they shouted of pain and fell down. 'Hammy! Spada!', the three of them shouted and ran towards them. 'Are you two okay?', asked Lucky while helping Hammy to stood up. 'Yes, we okay', Spada answered. 'Oh,there's more of you guys?? this going to be more interesting,huh', the Doukan said proudly. 'Minna,ikuzo!', ordered Lucky while holding his Kyuutama. Stinger and Naga nodded and took out theirs, put it on the Seiza Blaster and move it forward. 'Say, the change!', it sounded. Then, they pull the trigger and transformed.

                    'Yosha Lucky!!', Lucky shouted excitedly and all of them fought Doukan. 'Try if you can', Doukan said and then the soldier of the Jark Matter came and defend him. Hammy, Spada and Naga fought them while Lucky and Stinger went to fight Doukan. Lucky swang his sword toward Doukan but the clock always screw up him while stinger tried to shoot him but it failed. 'Take this!!!', Doukan shouted and swang his clock again. 'Aarghh!', it hit them. Spada,Hammy and Naga came to help them but the Doukan did the same thing to them. 'Aaaa!', they shouted and fell down. They all tried to got up but due to the pain, they can't. 'I thought you all were so strong that you're hard to defeat, but actually you all only a loser! Haahaha!!', He laughed.

                    Lucky tried to search for his weakness. 'There must be something...his weakness...', he whispered to the others. 'Maybe the..clock?', Stinger suggested. Spada thought for a while. 'Yeah, when I thought back, the time that we spied him, everytime he ordered the human,the clock keep spinning', he explained. 'Okay,let's do this!! we gotta aim for the clock!', cheered Hammy. 'Yosha Lucky!!', Lucky shouted and stood up followed by the others. 'We will beat you up!!!', shouted Lucky towards Doukan. Doukan looked at him and replied 'How can you think like that huh!!'. ' Cause I'm the luckiest guy in this universe!!! Let's test your luck!!', Lucky responded and they ran towards him. 'I don't think so!', Doukan disagree. 

                   They all worked together to defeat Doukan. 'Time for the final attack!!', shouted Lucky and so, they all move their Kyuutama backwards. 'Say the Attack!!', it sounded. Naga quickly frozed Doukan while Spada slashed him like how he slashed the fish. Then, Stinger tied him with his scorpion tail and threw him. 'Aarghh!' he shouted. Using her ability of invisible, Hammy quietly went towards him then stole his clock and threw it to Lucky. 'Here,Lucky!!', she told. 'Oh No! My clock!!', Doukan cried. With full speed, Lucky jumped and slashed the clock using his sword. 'Crack!' the clock broke and the pieces shattered everywhere. 

                    All of the people that had been controlled by Doukan woke up from their unconscious. 'Damn you, Kyuuranger!!! I will make sure you pay back!', Doukan said angrily then disappeared from their sight. 'Mou! Where'd he go? Come back, you scaredy- cat!', Hammy called. 'It looks like we did it,right?', Naga sighed, tired from the fight. Lucky nodded. He then saw Stinger made a serious face. 'What's wrong, Stinger?', he asked. 'No, I'm heart feel uneasy about this', replied Stinger telling the truth. 'Maybe..hmmm..aaahh!! because we still don't defeated the Doukan?', guessed Lucky. Then he quickly joined the others and after that, Ryu Commander ordered them to went back. 'Okyu!', they obeyed.


                  In a dark room, looks like Scorpio was sitting there. Suddenly someone came from the back. 'I had come back sir', the unknown person said. Scorpio smiled and replied 'Now, we can proceed with our second plan,Hahaha!!.....Good Job, DOUKAN'.

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