Living with Who!!!!

Start from the beginning

" BLASPHEMY HOW DARE YOU THREATEN US YOU DEMON FREA-," The fat merchant's rage-induced yelling ended up getting himself frozen.

" Didn't I tell you to use my name, I think you need to Chill out," Naruto said humorlessly though added a joke at the end. " Actually Jiji isn't there a certain law saying you can't insinuate me being the Kyubi meaning I can legally 'kill anyone' who calls me demon," Naruto said adding a dark undertone to kill anyone. Hiruzen was shocked but he smiled.

" I Hiruzen Sorutobi third Hokage declare Uzumaki Naruto unguilty," Hiruzen said with a smile as he relished the looks of frustration on the council member's face. " Meeting adjured," Hiruzen as about to get up but Danzo opened his mouth.

" Wait I suggest we have a meeting about what to do about Uzumaki-sans new blood limit," Danzo said. Shikaku mentally cursed Danzo for being so troublesome.

" Oh and do tell Danzo-san what is it we need to talk about concerning Uzumaki-sans blood limit," Hiruzen asked with barely contained sarcasm. If anyone paid attention they could tell Hiruzen was not pleased about this conversation.

" I suggest that I train Naruto to learn about this new Kekkei Genkai and see what possibilities that could arise and its potential," Danzo said wanting to manipulate Naruto to be loyal only to him and turn him into an ultimate weapon.

" Absolutely No-," Hiruzen was not able to continue cause Naruto raised his hand to stop him. Hiruzen's left eye twitched in annoyance, 'Next person to cut me off will meet King Enma' Hiruzen thought with annoyance.

" I can talk for myself Jiji, Now Danzo I've thought about your request and I humbly say *clears throat* Shove your request and mutilated arm up your fucking ass. I know all about your emotionless soldier training I won't be taking orders from anyone other than Hokage-Jiji so your sadly mistaken if you thought you could make me a drone, now be a good old man and croak, I'd rather lose my life than work for you," Naruto said loud enough for everyone to hear. Tsume was banging her fist on the table in laughter, Chouza spat out his chips on the table and laughed uproariously, Hiashi struggled to keep a small grin from appearing on his face, Shikaku was trying his hardest to stifle his chuckles but was failing, Inoichi choked on the water he was drinking, and Shibi's bugs buzzed in amusement as a small smile graced the mans lips although it was unnoticeable due to his jacket covering his mouth. Danzo was fuming mad if he could not have the boy he would make the boy Join CRA kill him and keep his child.

" Then I demand that the boy is put in the CRA program so that his blood limit does not die if anything 'unfortunate' happened to him. We are taking this into a vote put your hands up if you agree," Danzo said in a last-ditch effort to get this bloodline on his side. All of the civilian council raised their hand's and outvoted the others.

" Hah You Naruto Uzumaki will have at least three wives by the time you are 16 or they will be forced on you," Danzo said in a smug tone. Danzo was a little put off by Naruto's smirk.

" And what will you do if I don't if you try to extract sperm from me it will freeze the moment it touched air killing all the eggs and even if you get past that if me and the female you injected the sperm to have not ... copulated *tiny blush* it will freeze her eggs and kill her meaning you can't do shit to me and also if you try to extract blood from me as soon as it enters your system you will slowly freeze to death from inside out," Naruto said banishing any way to steal his powers. the clan heads were shocked at this steal-proof bloodline.

Danzo was not happy. ' If I can't have you no-one can watch your back Uzumaki,' Thought Danzo as the old warmonger marched angrily out of the meeting room. All of the clan heads Bowed politely before leaving.

" Oh and Jiji you were saying that I'll be living with who until I get a house for myself," Naruto asked as they were walking back to the Hokage's office.

" Oh You'll be living with Sasuke Uchiha in the abandoned Uchiha Clan grounds, well have Good night," Hiruzen said nonchalantly.

" You to Hokage-Jiji." Naruto waved as the Hokage closed the door Naruto was walking before he suddenly stopped walking. " WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE I'LL BE LIVING WITH WHO?!?!?!?!,"


Whelp there goes this chapter and before you say wait how does Naruto know so much about his Kekkei Genkai when Hikami transferred his power into Naruto he also sent his memories about his bloodline. Also, Naruto has never been dumb he just pretends to be to get attention.

Ja Ne


Revisited 2/1/19

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