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Okay here we go! This is the prologue! This is going to be in Rhiannon's Point of View.

Also i want to pick songs from the 70s to go along with the whole marauders era and I want to make it as realistic as possible so here you go. Hope you like it!

Song I chose for this chapter: California by Joni Mitchell

Picked the song cause it makes me smile whenever I hear it


September 1st, 1971

'Today was going to be a good day' I kept telling myself. I may have been panicking because today is my first day at Hogwarts. As I was thinking about what house I would be sorted into my thoughts were interrupted by my overbearing mother. "Rhiannon, are you packed? We need to get going!" My mother yelled.

My mother was the epitome of a pureblood witch. She was beautiful and glamorous. Everything that we did, as the Murphy family, was perfectly executed and made to make our family seem glamorous. My mother worked at the Minstry of Magic and everyday complained of the muggles and muggleborns within our community.

I sighed and yelled back, "Yes, mother. I am ready!" I brought my trunk down which was filled with everything I needed for my first year. I walked down the stairs and said, "Where's Nina and Father?" My mother ignored my question and said to get into the car.

My father worked at the Ministry of Magic as well. He was a portly, jolly Irish man. My father was a caring and young pureblood wizard who had the misfortune of marrying my mother. The marriage was arranged of course. My father always told me that the only good thing that came out of the marriage was Nina and I.

Unlike my mother, my father never hated muggles or any wizards/witches that had the misfortune of not having pureblood. "Now remember you are not to talk to any half-bloods, blood traitors or any disgusting mudbloods, do you understand?" my mother stated vehemently.

I flinched when she said mudblood. Such a vulgar word! "Mother what happens if I do not get sorted into Slytherin?" I asked genuinely concerned. My mother sighed and said, "We went over this you will get sorted into Slytherin because it is where every Green in this family has been sorted and there is no possible way that you will not be in Slytherin."

I sighed but nodded nevertheless. The car came to a stop as we stopped in front of King's Cross Station. I got out of the car and brought my trunk onto the Platform. I stopped when I realized that we were between Platform 9 and Platform 10.

We ran into the other side of the platform onto 9 ¾. I smiled happily I was finally here. I looked over at my mother and she looked she was about to cry.

"I can't believe it, my baby is growing up!" my mother cried out. I looked at her sadly and as much as my mom was annoying I still will miss her annoying nagging. "Mother, don't worry I promise to write every day," I said to her. She was still sniffling and then she cried out, "How? You won't have an owl!"

I almost yelled at her before I remembered she was feeling bad right now. "I will just borrow one of my roommate's owls. Please stop worrying! I will be fine!!" I said to her finally getting annoyed with her. I'm going to be late!!!

Suddenly, the whistle of train started ringing. I looked over at my mom and said, "I have got to get going! I'll write to you every day! Say bye to father and Nina." Mother sighed and yelled, "Okay! MAKE SURE TO WRITE EVERYDAY!"

I walked over to the train and climbed aboard. As I got onto the train I looked for empty compartments until I finally came across one that had nobody within the compartments and it was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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May I Have This Dance? (Marauders Era Story) *Working on It*Where stories live. Discover now