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The bell blares as the clock strikes at 4 o'clock, this was my most awaited moment it signals the end of my last class. The chatter of students and quick steps can be heard at the corridor. I pick up my books and shove it inside my bag and quickly took my face powder to fix myself looking through the mirror.

"Hey Tina lets go." Oliver my gay friend called me.

"Wait a second I'll just fix my lipstick." I told him gliding the smooth stick on my lips.

"Girl, you don't have to apply make up on your face your beautiful as it is." He said standing next to me.

"Okay I'm done let's go."

We climd down the stairs to the main door of the uni and out the gates. Oliver was off to the book store and I'm going home alone, usually we ride together in a taxi but today's a different case.

I was by the side walk waiting for a taxi to pull over I wave my hand but to my dismay no taxi has ever stopped and I'm here for over an hour now. It started to rain and my clothes are beggining to get soak up by the raindrops.

Another fifteen minutes pass and finally a taxi stops in front of me. I hurriedly climb inside and fix my wet dress.

"Where to miss?" The driver asked me while looking at the rear view mirror intently.

"23rd street please." I mutter.

"Your clothes are soaked how long have you been out there?" he asked and started driving glancing at the rear view mirror occasionally.

"About an hour and a half, I guest." I said shrugging my shoulders.

I took my phone out and texted my mother that I'm on my way home and played games on my phone. It gets boring ridding a taxi alone.

I can feel the driver watching me from the mirror I feel uncomfortable under his gaze. I looked at the road and saw that I'm almost at home.

We arrived at the coner of 23rd street and I signal the driver to stop the car.

"Is this your house?" He suddenly asked.

"No? it's the third house from here." I told him feeling suspicious.

"I'll drop you in front of your house." He said and glance again at the mirror.

"Okay." Was my curt reply.

The taxi stops in front of my house, I open my bag to pay the driver and hand a hundred bill to him.

"You don't have to pay me." He said.

"Why?" I asked in great confusion.

He turn his body towards me and look at me seriously and said.

"You dont have to pay me, just listen to what I'm about to tell you and do it the minute you enter your house."

"Okay, what is it?" I was getting impatient.

"Once you entered your house remove all your clothes and everything that you are wearing at this moment, burn it and bury the ashes to the ground." I was confused at what I'm hearing.

"Why do I have to do that?" I asked him.

"Because you have been headless since you board my car." Upon hearing his words my whole body shiver.

I cannot utter a word my whole body felt numb. I know what this phenomenon meant and the person seen headless will either die or suffer an unfortunate fate.

"You can go home now. Do what I tell you maybe it can reverse your fate." I heard the taxi driver said.

"Thank you." I mindlessly said and exit the car.


This story happens in real life my classmate in college told me this story. The girl waited for hours just to get a taxi but no driver wants to pick up a headless passenger.

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