"I don't even know what the worst part of third year was, although it turned out better than one would have expected" says Harry.

"For me it would be a close tie between the dementors at every entrance and facing the boggart in class" he says still deep in thought and Harry huffs "I thought you weren't scared of dementors, you laughed at me so hard that I ended up thinking they didn't affect you at all".

"Yeah... well... wasn't that the purpose of it all?" Mumbles Draco with what he hopes is an apologetic tone, and when Harry turns his head to look at him he keeps on talking "I wasn't scared of them at first, I was not scared of fear, I didn't have many things to fear back then, or so I thought, that's why it was so funny for me that you passed out on the train, I guess I didn't really considered the fact that you had been through so much already, for me it was just funny, Harry Potter passing out at the sight of a dementor... that was until that quidditch game when you fell off your broom...".

Harry seems to be listening intently, and Draco realizes what he's about to say, but when Potter does not interrupt and he draws blank at his attempt to think of a different thing to say, he decides it's better this way [it's not like they didn't all know that I cared for him anyways].

"I was in the bleachers watching the game, everyone kept on congratulating me on the way I had managed to make Gryffindor play Hufflepuff that day, and I didn't feel exactly happy about it, and I couldn't see all that much, but Gryffindor red is always easy to spot, and you were always the one flying the highest, I tried not to flinch to much the two times the bludger nearly unseated you, or when you nearly crashed into one of the Weasleys, I was so relieved when Wood called for a timeout, with those glasses and your luck, I couldn't help but think that a few more minutes would have done it for you to end up injured, you seemed motivated when you mounted on your broom again, but I think something distracted you because when the lighting that allowed Diggory to spot the snitch stroke you were looking in the opposite direction, and that's when everything went wrong, Wood yelled at you, and you threw yourself across the pitch, but I was already feeling it, suddenly I was colder and the Slytherins around me that were cheering Cedric on suddenly became quiet, that's when I saw them, we must have seen them at the same time because when I managed to tear my stare from them you were already starting to slip off your broom, it almost seemed to slow down, you were so far but I saw how your head dropped and then you started leaning to one side and suddenly you were free falling, it was so far up, and all I could do was watch, watch as you fell with the scream that was dying to tear out of my throat stuck there, I had around 2 seconds, 2 seconds were I was absolutely paralyzed, when all of our fights and stupid taunts seemed to lead up to that moment, and the panic and fear, then that amazing relief when Dumbledore saved you again...".

"Where you worried about me?" This time Harry's voice doesn't pose the laughing gleam of when he asked whether Draco read about him, instead he sounds almost hopeful.

"I refused to phrase it that way, and I kept my act up, I laughed along with the Slytherins when they made those stupid imitations of you falling, which were everything but funny, I did it for the same reason that I later agreed to dress up as one of those heartless things and try to scare you on the quidditch match, because I could never admit, not even to myself that I was worried about you, I had to prove to everyone that I hated you as much as always, although that didn't stop me from going to see you one night at the infirmary".

"What? You went?" Harry asks.

"Of course I did, didn't you hear how much you scared me when you fell? I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." Draco trails off, that had been the first time, but by no means the last that he would find himself worrying over Harry's well being.

"Is that all that happened to make you fear dementors?".

Draco thinks hard on it, it hadn't been until his encounter with one halfway through the year that he had become absolutely terrified of them, but in that match something changed.

"Well... not exactly, I was not scared of them because I considered myself fearless, of course they made me feel kind of unhappy when they were close but I didn't have any specially terrible memories or fears for them to feed off from, but in that match I realized that there was at least one thing that frightened me horribly." 

"Yeah? And what was that?" Harry's toneless voice makes Draco turn his head, and the fire inside those green eyes gives him the little push he needs to admit it out loud.

"Losing you".


Aren't this two such sweethearts?
I kind of ship Drarry so hard it hurts...
I hope you guys are enjoying! If so, please vote and comment, it means a lot to me!
Also if you have any ideas for what Draco's boggart would be I'd love to know them!

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