... Millie?

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As soon as Geoff had given the orders to go grab supplies he and Gavin glanced at each other then bolted the car. They both knew Griffon and Millie had been in their home at the time this started.

Jumping in the car and peeling wheels, Geoff and Gavin some how made it to the Ramsey house.

"Gavin come on!" Geoff hissed.

Gavin jumped from his frozen spot in the front of the car. He was worried. Worried for Griffon. Worried for Millie. Worried for his family back home. Worried for the rest of the guys.

"Gavin!" Geoff said slightly louder.

"Sorry Geoffrey," Gavin said finally zoning back.

"The front door has a zombie near it. We can't take it down with our bare hands. Let's take the back door," Geoff said.

"Okay. All we have to do is jump the fence," Gavin said.

"On the count of three." Geoff said.

Gavin nodded and got ready.




Gavin and Geoff both sprinted from the car to their fence. It wasn't tall, at most two feet, so they both cleared it successfully without alerting the zombie nearby.

Geoff then stopped waiting for Gavin knowing the yard was safe. He stormed into the house worried for his wife and daughter.

"Griffon! Millie!" He yelled.

Gavin at some point stumbled in behind Geoff starting to look as well. They had almost searched every room and by this point Geoff was close to tears.

"Geoff!" Gavin said.

Geoff turned to face Gavin.

"We haven't checked your room."

Geoff forgot.

He ran down the hall and swung a left into his and Griffons shared bedroom. He opened the door and went in.

There was blood.

So much blood.

That's when Geoff broke.

He sat on the floor and cried.


"... Millie?" Geoff asked.

"Dad, why are you crying?" Millie asked standing in the door of the closet.

"The... There's blood and-" Geoff stuttered.

"That's the cat," Griffon said standing behind Millie.

"Oh thank god!" Geoff said.

He ran over hugging the two most important girls in his life.

"Gavin get in here! You're missing a family moment!" Geoff yelled.

Gavin ran in the room and started feeling the joy Geoff did. His worries all disappearing. Yeah, he did miss his family, but the Ramsey's had become a second family. One he loved and cared about more than you could ever believe, and they felt the same towards him.

He ran over and started to hug the girls too.

"I thought I lost you two," Geoff said.

"We thought we lost you guys too!" Millie said.

"Well we're alright Millie! Don't worry bout' me and Geoffrey! We are men!" Gavin laughed putting Millie on his shoulders and running to his room.

"You know we can't loose them." Griffon said.

"What do you mean?" Geoff asked.

"We love Gavin like a second child. Millie loves him like a brother. So we have to watch the both of them," Griffon said.

"I know Grif, but they're alright now, so let's just enjoy the moment." Geoff said with a laugh as he and Griffon followed the two kids.


I love Gavin and the Ramsey's!


Judge me. :P



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