Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner

Start from the beginning

"Joe, what're you doing here?" I get up, crossing the room barefoot, and stand on my tiptoes to hug him. "It's late."

Just as he's about to answer, the door opens again. Pete is revealed, wearing an open checked shirt. It shows a t-shirt emblazoned with The Cure's logo. He looks good.

Pete doesn't smile until his eyes meet mine. "Hey, you guys. Hope we aren't intruding."

"You kind of are." I tut jokily.

"I'm just gonna go talk to Katie." Joe announces, striding out of the room as quickly as he strode in.

Izzy seems to be drawn to her phone, mindlessly scrolling, so I look over at Pete. His dark eyes are now trained on mine. I take a step forward, before instinctively wrapping my arms around his neck as always.

"Hey, buddy." Pete says softly, pulling me closer. "You doing okay?"

This is the first reference he's made the whole crying in the bathroom incident. Maybe he's not even referencing that, maybe he just wants to see how I am anyway. Yeah. Surely.

"Better." I whisper back.

"Glad to hear it. I don't want you to be sad." Nope, he was certainly referencing it.

I make my voice louder, to avoid suspicion, and pull away. "So yeah, I was just asking Joe, why are you here?"

"Hurley's over at your house with your sister, and Patrick's gone to―get this―a party. A cool party, too."

"What?" Izzy looks up from her phone.

"Yeah. With Anna. We were meant to hang out tonight, but he called to apologise and that he was with his 'girlfriend', and he didn't know when he'd be back." Pete rolls his eyes. "How long have they been together? What, like, 48 hours? This whole thing just seems weird to me."

"Me too." I agree, to which Izzy looks at me knowingly.

"So, uh, yeah. Girlfriends ruined our plans! Joe texted Katie and asked if we could come over, and she said it was fine. Did she not tell you guys?"

"No. That's weird." Izzy says, confused.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug. I grab Pete's wrist lightly and we make our way over to the plush sofa Izzy's sprawled on, pulling the blanket back onto us and snuggling up again. "Aw, dude, we're watching the best movie."

Pete studies the screen. "Yes! Say Anything!"

"You guys and your dumb eighties movies. Can't you watch a movie like, from this era?" Izzy turns the movie back on and moves closer to Pete and I for warmth.

"Quiet, Iz. We know you love it too. Right, Nona?"

"Right. You even said you're jealous of Diane." I back up Pete.

"Well. Yeah. Understandably. Lloyd Dobler is pretty damn dreamy." Izzy starts to shovel popcorn into her mouth, and Pete and I follow suit without need of encouragement.

After watching for a furthermore five minutes, with scattered conversation between us, my favourite part suddenly comes on. "Shh! You guys. This is it."

Music starts to play loudly as the camera focuses on the main girl, Diane, asleep in bed. She awakes suddenly, turning over to see where the Peter Gabriel song is coming from. Then the viewpoint is changed. Dobler is shown instead, in front of his car. Lloyd stands, his face masking emotion, his trench coat as iconic as ever, with his arms lifting a boombox determinedly.

"That's such a rad scene." Pete comments. He was singing along to the song under his breath a moment ago.

"I love that part so much. Why can't it be like that nowadays?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2014 ⏰

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