Chapter 7: Scars and Treatment

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This chapter is filler for the next one. Also, I'm suffering from writer's block so it may be a bit before the next chapter.

"Heya Cas." Dean smiled sofly.

Cas instantly pulled Dean into an awkward side hug, careful as to avoid the Dean's chest, not wanting to rupture the stitching.

"Dean I-" Cas cut himself off, burying his face in Dean's neck, letting out a shaky sob.

"I know Cas." Dean whispered, putting his arm around Cas' slightly shaking shoulders.

After a while Cas stopped crying and eventually moved.

Dean made a noise in protest, and pulled Cas close.

Cas leaned his head against Dean's shoulder.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, till Dean's head fell in Cas'.

Cas moved into the small chair and shut his eyes.

He felt the familar hand lace their fingers through his.

Cas smiled contently and shut his eyes, drifting off into a deep sleep.


Cas was walking silently, smiling as he went through the garden in the park.

He hadn't walked through it in what felt like ages.

He looked at the flowers and saw bees darting around.

Cas followed a small honey bee, watching as it flew from one flower to the next.

Once it flew back to the hive, he continued his walk twoards the middle of the garden.

He tripped over a small tree root and eventually stood, regaining his balance.

Cas continued to walk until he came upon the middle of the maze like garden, stopping when he saw the small lake and bench.

He saw someone sitting on the bench, their piercing green eyes darting around, seemingly taking in all of the scenery.

Cas went and sat on the other end of the bench, trying desperately to keep from disturbing the boy.

The boy turned and looked at him, flashing him a small smile.

Cas didn't smile back.

Cas looked over at the boy. He was wearing the same dreadful clothes as him.

White shoes, white shirt, white pants.

Except Cas was wearing his tan trench coat over his clothes.

"What's your name?" Cas looked back up at the boy, seeming to look about his age.

"Castiel." Cas whispered as he played with the sleeve of his trench coat.

"I'm Dean." The boy smiled. He held out his hand.

Cas didn't take it. He stared at it until Dean put it down.

Dean smiled again.

Cas returned a small smile and stared off into the lake.

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