The Baby In Me

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I am a baby im 3 years old but this is my sister typing for me so anywayim 3 and im about to have another baby sister along the way and im not about to be happy mom and dad didnt tell me until mom was 8 months pregnat I thougt her stomac was gettin big because she ait to much but that was Not it so heres how it went.

Hi mommy why is youe stomch so big mommy

well my baby first I wanna ask do u want another sister

no mommy no not another my big sister already gets on my nerves and I get on hers

ok hunny ok

well mommy?

what hunny

why is it so big

oh yeah umm well about dat ummm I ate to much and im constapated

really dad said

well I couldnt say I was pregnat the mom said to dad in a whisper

oh ok then mommy take some "exlax" it makes you go super fast when you drink alot of water

ohhhh really your smart who told you that

my sister

your sister sure tells you alot mom said in a afraid way

so me and my big sister go for a walk

sister why is momys belly so big she said she ate to much but I didnt belive it

well sister dont you no shes pregnat ooops

ooops wat is pregnat? she said in a frowned face


wellll wat

I cant say

why not oh come on you tell me everything else

im not sayin

ok fine hey you stranger what is pregnat means

well young lady its when your mommy has a baby in her belly why ?are you having a younger sister or brother

I think so she said in a mad face then storms off

I walk back home

mommy why

why wat baby

your having another but I didnt want a little sister

but baby no who told you that

my well no she wouldnt tell me what pregnat ment so I asked a stranger so he told me

oh well im sorry honey

no you make me sick and I actually trusted you

the baby  walked off crying

no honey come bak

sister walks in

baby sister where are you

big sister how could you let her find out and then she asks a stranger really

well she asked me I said I wouldnt tell then she just walked off I was right there with her no big deal

no its a huge deal shell never forgive me

yes she will mom you no how she is

ok but I feel bad so imma talk to her

wait no mom ill talk to her

she talked to me as I was 1 and I didnt appreciate it

so nine months later the baby was born she got all the attention suddenly I wanted to b treated as if I was 1

come here oooh mom let me hold heeerr

sure baby be careful

ooh your such a cutie your the most beautiful girl ever

no shes not I am im the young- well I was the youngest until she came

I stormed off again crying but this time with more hatred and anger

baby sister where are you big siser said in a afraid way

leave me alone you guys are so selfish I new you wud do this if the new baby  came and its not fair not fair at all I said so so fast

im sorry its not my fault but-

but no but nothing jut leave me the heck alone I  tired of this you guys make me sick I hate you I mean I love you but you make me sick ooooooh im so mad

im a baby so I donr say worda coreect all the time like jut is supposed to be just

ok baby sister you went to far go in the bathroom

my big sister spanked me but hat made it even worse I hit her back kicked her and even slapped her I hit so hard her cheak turned red and ahe chased me bak to mom

woooooo wooooo girls calm down wat happened

sister teied to spank me sister did spank me

woooo wooo wooo no spanking only me do that why did you do that

because she said I hate you guys then she said I love you then we make her sickk

ooooh so we make you sick

yeah mom she said that and she slapped kicked and hit me

oh yeah big sister you were right to get her so get her again

big sister took me in the bathroom again and spanked me harder but I didnt really really try to fight bak because of mom but I did alittle just a tad

so years and years went by the baby is 7 and im 10 so im not such a baby but I still remember what my big sis did to me so I pulled a really mean trick I got her diary took it too her boyfriend and showed him and all the kida in the school she was so confused when everyone was laughing and pointing at her because the part where she wrote she got constapated and got a stomach virus

so a day went by she hit me because of what I did she found out because of her boyfriend hes such a snitch

so I guess I do still have a little baby in me because I still go crazy because mom had a new baby again whos only 2

I wasnt mad this time because it seems like having a baby sister isnt so bad guess what heres a secret baby sister #1 helped me do the plan shes just like me she throws tantrums and all so I hope baby sister #2 is like that or baby # 3 4 5 6 I guess shes gonna keep going but a few months later there was a baby boy but I did get mad this time because boys are crazy they especially get out of control when eating cake wait oh thats ~ME~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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