Really me

16 1 0

Chapter 1

Hi my name is cali woods I am 16 yeas old and it's the day I get my tracker in my arm . My tracker is a tracking divice that gets put in your arm when you turn 16 . And in a day I get matched with someone who I may or may not know but do you know what it's like to have all your life diciossns arleady made for you well let me tell you it sucks the city picks who you marry what your futer is like how many kids you have and when you die "good night mom " " good night hunny" " I look at my clock it's 8:59 I have a minute to be in bed so I close my eyes

Next morning

9:00 am

"Cali " " what mom " " lets go we are going to be late " "mom do I have to get a tracker? " "yes every one gets one when they are sixteen " "fine " I say jumping into my car . "so when is the matching thing tomorrow " "well it's around 6:00 pm" "I think " "okay " when we get to the city hall we sign in "Cali the tracker doctor is ready to see you " "see you in 30 minutes "mom says "hello cali" "hello doctor grace " "so do you know what this is for " " ya I need to get my tracker " "yes and what is a tracker for " " it's so the city can track how I progress in life so they can say what happens next" "very good " I am not stupid I think "this won't hurt " "ow I say that did hurt" "oh sorry " now go see your mom " "okay " " done " " now you have to go see the console men and they will put your tracker in there computer files " "okay " "but first that will be 20 dollars " " here " mom says then we leave .when we get down stairs they take my arm and scan it " you are number 1234.1256.347" "okay thanks good bye " "where to next mom" "well we have to pick up your matching dress.

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