Going to camp

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I leave for camp in a few days!! Im super excited and I can't wait to hang out with sierra and make new friends!!

-skip to the day they leave-

Me and Sierra are flying out to England today for camp. We had to wake up at 3:00am and I was soooo tired so I slept for most of the flight. "Hey Brooke?" Sierra said. "Yeah?" I said. "Do you think there will be cute boysssss??" Sierra said. "I don't know, maybe??" I said.

-2 hours later-

Our flight finally landed and I grab my backpack and walk off the plane with sierra. I grab my guitar and my suitcase and head to the taxi place so we can get a ride to camp.

-skip car ride-

"We are finally here!! Im so excited!!" I say.

"I hope to meet cute British boys!!!" Sierras says.

"Sierra hush.... lets go find our cabin!!"

"Let's gooooooo"

Sierras POV:

We are walking to try and find out cabin when I suddenly hear someone singing... they are really good!!! I hope I can meet this-

"Sierra I found it!!!"

My thoughts  were interrupted by Brooke.

"Ooohhh yay!!! Let's go inside!!!"

Our cabin is so nice!!! When I walk in I see some paper with lots of crayons and colored pencils and lots of drum sticks for me.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I play the drums. that's the talent I used to get into this camp. I heard I have some competition with a singer who also plays the drums.... I think his name is... harry? Hmm.. idk.

"This is so awesome!! Best cabin ever!!" Brooke says.

Our cabin looks something like this.

And the inside looks like this

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And the inside looks like this.

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