Part 2:This isn't Smash...

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Suddenly,Toon Link and Yoshi safely landed on the ground,Pit landed somewhere else.

(Where are we,Yoshi? And what happened to Pit?)

Yoshi Yoshi:(Beats me.Hey,there's a house! Maybe we could ask whoever's inside if they know a way home!)

(Ok.Let's go.Hops on Yoshi.)

Yoshi:(Here we go.Knocks on door.)

"Hello? Oh! You're not Zac.Who are you?"

Toon Link was speechless.He had never seen this girl before.She looked so beautiful,In his eyes at least.Yoshi didn't understand.

"Are you alright?"

Yoshi:(Oh! My name is Yoshi and this is Toon Link,but some people call him Link.)

"Your a talking dinosaur?"

Yoshi:(Sort of.)

"Well come inside." She grabbed Toon Link and Yoshi's hands and went inside.

Ok.That was Part 2.Part 3 will come soon.

Toon Link X Leah:The Alternate Story.(Indefinite hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now