Soon after he came up with an idea, perhaps the kitten did not like being fed by a human, prideful little wild cat that he was. Therefore Asami began to hide bits of the wet food around his apartment and Akihito had to find it. The first time this happened Akihito was confused beyond belief.

The human had yet to pull out the food for his meal and Akihito knew that Asami loved to keep to a time table. His meal was always directly after the human's shower and before the human's morning smoke. But there the human sat, smoking the day away without having opened any food for the small kitten. Akihito depended on grabbing a small piece directly from Asami's hand.

Jumping up on Asami's lap, Akihito rubbed against the man's shoulder, trying to tell him that he was hungry. The kitten held on to what little pride he had left and did not look the human in the eye and made no noise as he waited for Asami to understand what he was saying.

The human laughed his deep laugh and blew smoke over the top of Akihito's head, "Are you looking for something to eat? Go find it you lazy cat."

The kitten turned sharply to look the human in the eyes, angry as only a cat could be. He turned tail and jumped off of Asami's lap. Akihito knew he would show the human just how a cat hunts.

His nose hit the air above him as he sat down and just smelled. All the scents before him mixed into one another, Asami and his daft cigarettes, the couch with its leather musk, all the human food in the kitchen, the cleaning things in the bathroom, and outside smell from the entryway. However something faint caught his attention now, the smell of the fish food that Asami usually gave him. The scent seemed to come from no where and everywhere.

The human must have hidden it around the nest the night before, after Akihito fell asleep. He followed the scent carefully, for it was faint and difficult to track. He padded into the master bedroom and pawed at the closed closet door. After a minute of difficulty Akihito managed to pull it open. He squeezed through the tiny opening he had made and sniffed for his food.

Inside a basket of smelly metal containers was a small piece of his food, and thus began his daily food hunts. Every morning he would search the whole nest for food that the human would hide the night before. After the kitten had eaten enough Asami would snatch him up and drag the sleepy kitten to his office.

So Akihito stared out of the window at the sky beyond. The strange thing is that he did not truly miss the stray life, no he missed something much deeper than that. He missed the freedom of running from one end of the city to the other. He missed sitting down on the wall next to a park and listening to children shout and scream as they played. He missed being able to do what he wanted when he wanted. Akihito would not allow this to go on for much longer, he had tried to escape a few times already but they all failed, horribly. All that he managed to do in his escape attempts was get Asami angry at him and earn a bath.

The furthest away he got was just in the elevator, Kirishima spotted him and dragged him back into the pent house, right into Asami's waiting arms. His attempts must be better thought out but Akihito had yet to think of a good plan of escape. All windows were out, the only ones he was allowed to be near were about ten stories up with no other roofs nearby. Asami personally carried the small kitten between the nest, the car, and the office.

Currently there was nothing the kitten could do so he put the thought out of his mind. He looked at the clouds and allowed his thoughts to travel.

Why was it that humans could do what they wanted when they wanted and cat had to kill each other just to survive? Asami lived without a care in the world and it angered Akihito just how different human life was to a stray cats.

The anger slowly dissipated as the sun began to lull the kitten into a doze. His thoughts were of the past, of his mother and his father, of his brothers and sisters, and of his first battle. The memories were vivid and brought comfort to the kitten. His eyes closed quickly as he allowed his memories to bring him on a trip. Through his thoughts into a void of time, one not well navigated by most.

A knock sounded through the large room, awakening the kitten from his light slumber. Asami responded in an emotionless tone, "Enter."

The door opened to admit a man with long, dark hair and a dark suit that looked almost like Asami's. He stepped across the room, up to Asami's desk, and greeted the older man. Both of the humans exchanged words that Akihito did not pay attention to in the least. The only thing the kitten noticed was the long hair, that flowed past the mans lower back, sway and flick around. The kitten's eyes followed the locks of a new toy that he sought after.

The human sat down across from Asami, allowing his hair to fan out and hand over the arm of the chair. Akihito jumped down from the window sill and began to stalk toward the other human. His goal, the black strands of the man's hair.

As silently as a shadow the young cat slunk to the edge of the chair, unnoticed. Jumping with claws outstretched, he aimed for the hair but at the last minute the human shifted and with him, his hair. The kitten missed and fell, directly into an open briefcase that leaned precariously against the chair. With Akihito's added momentum the briefcase fell and slammed shut.

Akihito was suddenly encased in darkness with the feeling of paper and files under his paws. Fear bubbled slowly under the surface of Akihito's emotions but he refused to give in to the irrational emotion, he pawed the edges of his prison but found no opening.

He now surely began to panic, he mewed and yowled as loudly as was possible for the small kitten but their was no response or sudden freedom.

Movement came suddenly, the briefcase he was imprisoned in was lifted into the air by an invisible hand. After a few moments of jostling movements that brought the kitten down on his belly from nausea everything stopped and the blackness spread out before him, never ending. For a moment he wonder if whether living with Asami was as bad as the place he was about to go.


Author's Note

So, what do you all think? I only wrote this in about a day and half but I think that this turned out perfect.


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