Tell Me What You Want

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Vinny's nervous.

It's not the same kind of nervous he gets when he's doing a big show, or when he's meeting one of his favorite musicians for the first time --- no, this is different. He's introducing his girlfriend to his band, a band who brought him into the fold and made him feel like family.

He almost feels like their opinions are more important then that of his family's, although no one can ever top his mother.

"What are you so nervous about, Vinny?" You sigh as you walk with him down the sidewalk, your hands clasped. Your hair is drawn down one shoulder, your eyes are painted up perfectly, long lashes casting shadows down your cheeks. You look stunning today, like someone who just walked out of a painting --- how can he introduce you to his friends when you look so completely out of his league? "Afraid they won't like me?"

"No, I think they're going to like you too much," Vinny grumbles, thinking about them.

Thinking about Ghost.

"Too much?" You look amused, completely relaxed, whereas he's a tense bundle of nerves. You don't mind meeting his friends, after all he had suggested it, so you don't understand why he's getting all nervous. You'd gotten all dolled up to make a good impression, compared to your usual sweat pants and ponytail. "What do you mean?"

"Nothing," Vinny sighs, tightening his grip on your hand and threading his damp fingers through yours. "I just think they're going to think you're out of my league."

"We're not playing baseball."

"You know what I mean!" He looks frustrated, and you frown at him.

"It doesn't really matter what they think, I'm dating you, aren't I? If I was too far out of your league, we wouldn't be holding hands. Stop being so nervous, everything is going to be fine," You say, bumping his shoulder with your own and a playful smile. "And if it's not, we'll leave and I'll kick your ass at Call of Duty."

Vinny sends you a sidelong glance. "You fell off a cliff. You walked off that cliff."

"It came out of nowhere!"

"You ---."

"It came out of nowhere and I didn't notice it, it's not my fault," you defend yourself, rolling your eyes. "I thought we agreed never to speak of it again?"

Vinny chuckles, just like you hoped he would.

"Fine, for the next few hours we can."

You roll your eyes; right.


"Guys, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)." Vinny introduces you to everyone, and you greet them all with a bright smile they all return. You're pretty, and you seem friendly, so they all like you readily enough.

You're not immediately fangirling, which is always a plus.

"Nice to meet you," Devin says, taking your soft hand and shaking it. "I like your makeup, your wing is perfect."

"Oh," you blink a little, caught off guard by the compliment. "Thank you."

He's still holding your hand, and you tug away from him a tad uncomfortably, glancing at Vinny to see his chagrined expression; just as he thought, the moves were happening.

He must stop this, must remind them that you're dating him!

His arm slips possessively around your waist.

"So what do you do for a living?" Ryan asks from the sofa, trying to make amiable conversation; Devin tends to make everyone uncomfortable starting off, so its not unusual for Ryan to smooth the way over.

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