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Anna's POV

Four years ago!!

"No please, please just let me go I swear I'll do anything". The man pleaded to which James and Victoria smirked at. 

"See, I don't think that's going to cut it". James stated as he looked towards me and Laurent.

"James don't play with you food". I warned. He smirked as he turned to me.

"You would know all about that wouldn't you? After all what ever happened to that boy you were playing with?"

"We had some fun and then I killed him". Trust me he was worth it. "The wait was annoying, but he was very very handsome".

"We need to move, their are other vampires in town we need to hide so they can't catch us". Laurent stated as he shot up from the boat. "Clean up". He ordered the two as he stepped off from the boat onto the wooden plank which made the boat rock.  He held his hand out for me to take which I gladly did as he helped pull me up from the boat.

"Guys". I snapped the two love birds out of their gaze which was directed at the old man. "Finish up". I snapped as I flashed away with Laurent behind me. "Do you smell that?" I asked as we hauled to a stop. He slowly nodded, James and Victoria weren't long to catch us.

"More vampires". James hissed.

"Easy". Laurent snapped.


"I don't Care". Came the voice of Alice from downstairs, she was obviously shouting at Jasper for something he had done wrong. I was in my room staring out of the window from my bed, Emmett was laying on our bed waiting for me to answer his question.

"Say something". He begged. "Anything". I looked towards him and stared at him before thinking about what I could say.

"I'm a vampire Emmett, I can't have what Bella has". I reminded him.

"I don't want that, as long as you stay with me I'm happy". He promised as he sat up so he was closer to me. "Please."

"If I say yes? What's in it for me?" I teased. He chuckled knowing me so well that he knew I was warming up to the idea.

"You get a strong vampire at your side at all times". He smirked.

"What! Jasper?" I teased. He pouted a fake pout. "Ha ha ok ok. Yes".

"Yes?" He asked shocked.

"Yes". I nodded letting him know I meant it. "But try and loosen up your sister on the whole designing it thing, please?" I begged. He chuckled.

"You know me. I can't have a say in what she does".

"I knew you would say yes I saw it". Alice pretty much threw the door open and peeked into our room. "Now I have a great idea on the dress, the food needs to be suitable for humans".

"Alice". I tried.

"We need to have a secret stash of blood for the vampires".

"Alice". I laughed.

"Oh and you need a flower girl and a maid of honour".

"ALICE". I shouted as I laughed. She looked at me excited. "I have only just said yes". I reminded her.

"I know". She nodded bopping up and down.

"Alice your making her nervous". Jasper showed up behind his mate. "Calm down". He told her. She looked up at him and stuck her tongue out at the emotion vampire.

"Sorry". She smiled sadly at us.

"It's alright. I want to pick the dress". Her face went sadder. "But I would want you to pick the brides maid dresses and then venue". I reassured her. She beamed as she humanly ran over to me and crushed me into a hug.

"Thank you". She breathed.

"Oh and Alice, not a word to anyone yet". Emmett asked her. "You to Jasper". He warned, Jasper just held his hand to his undead heart and bowed in a agreement.

"Edward and Bella already know, but that's it". She told us.

"How does Bella know?" I get how Edward would know he would of red Alice's mind but Bella-

"They tell each other almost everything". Jasper stated bringing me out of my thoughts. "We won't tell anyone else, will we Alice". He warned looking at the pixie vampire.

"Ummmm, I may have told Carlisle, and he may have told Esme who told Rosalie who told Jacob who told Seth and Leah, and then they told the pack".

"Alice". I moaned.

"Sorry, at least not everyone knows". She smiled,  I knew exactly who she meant.

"They will". I sighed.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that many people would know from me just telling Carlisle". She breathed.

"It's ok". Emmett reassured his sister.

"I need to talk to the pack". I stood up and went to walk out when Emmett grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving.

"And say what?"

"I need to tell them to be on alert for her". I stated as I pulled my hand away and flashed out of the room and down the stairs.

"Anna?" Bella asked as she walked into the room.

"Come with me". I asked her. She nodded knowing where I was going thanks to her vampire hearing, and we both flashed out of the house and to the treaty line where we knew we would find Sam!

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