''So, are you ready?'' Caroline asked, practicing her routine again. I nodded and started biting my nails but Bonnie slammed my hand away.
''I still don't get what got into you, why the sudden interest in cheerleading?'' I shrugged and Caroline didn't even answer. The uniform didn't cover much of our bodies, our stomach was shown and the skirts were mini. I didn't mind it though, I'd never gotten this much attention from boys which made me realize, this might 've been Caroline's reasoning.
''Caroline Forbes?'' Caroline turned and shrieked. Me and Bonnie laughed, Caroline wasn't good at handling stress.
''You'll do great.'' I said, trying to encourage her. After inhaling deeply, she walked to the cheerleaders and auditioned. After she returned, it was my turn. I wasn't very nervous for the routine, I've always liked dancing and ballet so I got lots of lessons, but I was afraid they wouldn't think I'm beautiful or skinny enough. I mentally slapped myself, it didn't matter what they thought of me, or whether I made it. I was good. And that was all that mattered. I was thankful though, that no one else could see my audition. I never told Bonnie nor Caroline I was agile. Didn't have a reason to. But they'd soon find out anyway. After my audition, Stefan found us. Great. ''Going for the cheerleader lookalike?'' he asked. His gaze drifted to Caroline and he looked at her from hair to toes. Caroline looked back, in the same way. Apparently, someone got over her anxiety of vampires.
''Get lost.'' I told him, and wanted to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.
''Ladies, if you'll excuse us.'' Bonnie and Caroline waved goodbye and left. I crossed my arms and sighed. ''What?''
''No need to be a bitch, little sis. You're really going to try out for the team?'' He asked, eyebrows raised.
''Yes, I am.''
''You know Elijah won't let you, don't you?'' This confused me. What was wrong with doing sports?
Stefan smiled and softly shook his head.
''There can happen lots of things at cheerleading that could hurt you. Sometimes, I wonder if you even know your brother. '' With that, he walked away and greeted some other guys who had been waiting for him. I gritted my teeth. Stefan was right, a lot of accidents happened at cheerleading. Maybe I shouldn't tell Elijah but Stefan would be needed to kept quiet and I had no idea how. Seeing Damon walk on the other side of school, was a reminder that also he was a problem. Damn it. As if he could read my thoughts, Damon spotted me and stood in less than a second behind me. I turned around, startled.
''Why are you wearing-'' He interrupted himself.
''No, the question is, why are you wearing nothing?'' I looked down at my skirt.
''This is not nothing.''
''It is also not something. Everybody can see everything, where is your dignity?'' I got a headache and wanted to change, and clean myself up from the hard try out but no rest for me. My brothers definitely knew when to bother me.
''Where were you at lunch break? I've been looking for you to tell you to go home with Stefan.''
I nodded and hoped he wouldn't go further on the previous question. I'd forgotten to ask Willow what she made up as an excuse. Damon crossed his arms, apparently, not buying it. I tried to look for Willow as subtle as I could but Damon made me look in his eyes.
''Well?'' Keep looking in his eyes, keep looking in his eyes. If I turned my gaze, he'd know I was lying.
I opened my mouth to answer but Willow cut me off.
''I already told you, we had lunch together and she was ten minutes away, looking for her science book, which she found. I still can't believe you left it in the hallway, even though I would try to get rid of it too, but-''
''Yeah, yeah. I know. You told me. Well, see you at home. '' He rushed through my hair like I was a little child. I slammed it away. Willow wanted to start talking but Damon wasn't far enough. I put my finger against my lips and waved my hand. She frowned but let it go.

It was Friday evening and I didn't have a plan yet to get to Tyler's party. I was texting Caroline but her suggestions were always doomed to fail. I sighed and hung back on the couch. There was one thing I hadn't thought about, until Stefan brought it up. I almost screamed Stefan was an angel but I kept quiet and distant until I ought it time to mingle.
''So, if Stefan goes, I can go too, can't I? I mean, he'll be there so-'' I stretched the 'o' until it silently disappeared into the air.
''I didn't know you wanted to go,'' Elijah said matter of factly. Did he really not see this coming?
''You know, some girls invited me, a couple of students.'' Damon smiled. ''I almost said yes. '' He winked and I grimaced. Those were things I needn't know and it was also a huge ego boost for his already too big of an ego.
''They did? How can they be so-'' I tried to look for the right word for girls who asked their teachers out, ''-presumptuous.'' Stefan gave me a weird look and Mikael explained the word.
''Why don't you just say without shame or something like that? You don't need to act like you're smart.''
''I am smart.''
''That's what dumb people say.''
I rolled my eyes and turned to Elijah.
''Can I?'' I could only hope he said yes.
''Can you what?'' He asked.
''You know what. Go to the party.'' Elijah sighed and paced around, looking for something.
''Have you seen a triangular shaped stone with an eye on it? '' It ringed a bell somewhere in my head but I was too focused on the party, which was in two hours. I needed to know now.
''Don't change the subject. Let me go with Stefan, please!'' I almost sat down on my knees with my hands folded but kept myself standing.
''You're definitely not going with me, that's for sure.'' Stefan intervened.
''Shut up.'' I looked back at Elijah, which was handy for Stefan because I hadn't seen him coming but in a second I was lying on the floor with my arm pulled behind my back. I screamed from the pain, he loosened his grip a little bit but it still hurt a lot.
''What did you say?'' I couldn't see his face but I bet a thousand euros he was smiling like hell. The pain kept on coming and I couldn't speak, until he let my arm fall on the ground. I tried to stand up but he kept his foot on my back.
''Well?'' I looked at Elijah, hoped he would say something before I needed to apologize for nothing. Unfortunately, Elijah was still looking for that thing he had asked about earlier and didn't feel like intervening. Great.
''I'm sorry.'' I said. If I had any chance of going to that party, Stefan needed to be in a good mood and if saying sorry was all it took, it was fine by me.
''There you go. Why do you always need to choose the hard way?'' Stefan said, as if learning me a lesson.
Since asking Elijah hadn't helped, I tried a different way of getting what I wanted. I said it a little louder than necessary.
''I'm going to get ready for the party. Can I stay at Caroline's afterward?'' I hoped he would focus on the second part which needed to let him forget he hadn't said yes to the first.
''No, you'll sleep here. I'm off, I'll see you when you get home. '' He left where after all my siblings, including me and Mikael, fell silent.
''That was weird. '' A couple of ''tell me about it's'' confirmed Rebekah's statement.
''I'm not complaining though.'' I shrugged and got ready.

I was ready to go when Damon knocked on my door.
''Come on in.''
''About the cheerleading-" he paused and I looked expectantly at him, wondering what he was about to say, ''-I know if Elijah knew, he wouldn't let you but I think it's good if you do some sports. Just let me know when practice is and I'll take care of Elijah. ''
''I need to make the team first.'' I said, not knowing what else to say. Sneaking around behind Elijah's back was not something I liked doing, I'd hoped I'd be able to pursue him but even Damon thought it wouldn't happen. Why was he helping me? I was sure it wasn't because he thought I should do sports, I ran occasionally.
''You'll make it, you know it too. Caroline was pretty good herself at the auditioning. '' I looked up, surprised.
''You saw the auditions? '' I asked a little insecure. If I had known back then, I would've been nervous as hell.
Damon laughed.
''That's why I didn't tell you. Calm down, your heart is speeding like a racing car. ''
Stefan sneaked in the room and started looking around with a disapproving look.
''If you don't like my room, get the hell out. If you do, also get out.''
Stefan raised an eyebrow.
''If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be able to go this evening. '' He laid down on my bed.
''I'm leaving in an hour but I'm going to run. I don't want some drunk kids to damage my car. So ask someone to pick you up. ''
''I'll bring you. '' Damon suggested. I smiled thankfully at him where after I gave Stefan a surprise attack and kicked him off the bed.
''That's my bed, vamp.'' I said, feeling though for surprising a vampire.
Stefan got out with only a sigh and went to irritate Klaus who had just gotten home.

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