Chapter 15: The Unexpected

Start from the beginning

When the magic blasts started to get too close to the dragon they were riding for comfort Travis led the dragon down and they leapt off of it's back, walking the rest of the way holding their wands at the ready in case they were ambushed by allies of whoever the other's were fighting. It sort of reminded Rose of the time the wicked step sisters had breached the Gate and the fight they had been in then.

Once they were in eye sight Rose wanted to scream and run forward as she saw Captain Hook. She wanted to demand he leave and stay the hell away from her daughter. However she knew she had to keep a cool head and instead she waited for a cue from Hawk or Travis. They had been in more fights then she had in the last five years, and she couldn't just wing it anymore like she did when she was younger. With her recklessness back then it was a surprise she hadn't been seriously hurt or killed.

"Ah so there she is. I was wondering when the lovely Snow Princess would show herself, perhaps you can even take up your grandmother's title if you decide to join us instead of be on the side of good. Either way no matter what you decide we will find a way to get your daughter, so you might as well join us if you want to be able to be in her life." The words Captain Hook spoke would have concerned her if she hadn't known exactly where Ariana was. Snow White would keep her daughter safe, and she would show Captain Hook exactly why he had chosen the wrong woman to mess with!

"In your dreams Hook. You will get nowhere near me or my daughter."

"So protective of her. It seems if you love someone you can forgive them for anything can't you my dear," the mocking tone made Rose glare at the deranged man. She could understand why Peter Pan had fought so hard against Captain Hook if he spoke to everyone this way.

"Shut up!" She growled at him. Not wanting him to say anymore. Afraid that he would tell Hawk what she had so carefully hidden from him, she never wanted Hawk or Ariana to find out, and if Captain Hook knew it was dangerous for her daughter.

"Oh you haven't told them have you?!"

"Rose?" Hawk questioned sounding concerned for her, and like he wanted to warn her to not give into Captain Hook's games.

"I'm surprised no one asked if either you or your daughter had the ability the Snow Queen was most famous for, or perhaps they thought neither of you had ever been in the position to find out. Such a coveted ability and one that would serve us well."

"It won't serve you at all! Neither of us inherited it!" She lied.

"Do you really think we don't know what happened the night your daughter was born. You were dead my dear, declared dead by those normal humans for at least five minutes, and it was only after your mother and daughter were in the room that suddenly your heart started back up. Your daughter killed you with her birth, but then she brought you back!"

Everyone turned their gazes to Rose in shock. Hawk's hand rising as if he wanted to see if she was real. She just wished they had fought Captain Hook from the start, that they hadn't given him a chance to speak. How could she deny it when he seemed to know what had happened? Yet she couldn't let him think he was right.

A light bulb went off in her head as she let out a laugh causing everyone to jump at the sudden mocking tone. "You are more of an idiot then I ever thought possible Hook. Normal humans wouldn't have thought of how the cold Ariana was born with would slow my heart down to a crawl because of the snow magic that accompanied her birth. So once my body started to warm up and my heart beat at a normal pace again they just assumed their machines had been faulty from the power outage that happened moments before. Besides the Snow Queen didn't bring humans to life, she granted snow life, it is impossible that her magic could bring someone back from the dead!"

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