2. These Days- The Black Keys

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"Who is Sophie?" the girl questioned as she began to walk towards Dan.

"She's my ex, and she's looking for me. Is there a place in the back I could hide for a bit?"

"Err sure, but don't you wanna talk things over with her first?"

"Not right now... quick she's coming!" said Dan as he followed the girl into the back room. There's a door there that leads to the yard, you would be able to see you there.

"Thanks-" he whispered. Soon after he heard the door bell ring signifying the fact that someone had entered the Cafe. Dan overheard Sophie's threatening voice asking if she had seen a man in a grey hoodie with wild brown hair. Dan couldn't bear to listen to their conversation with the fear that he would be discovered. He left the yard through a green gate, that barely hung onto its hinges. He found himself in a back alleyway littered with wheelie bins. He ran as quickly as he could, dodging the dirty puddles as he did so. He had no sense of direction or where he was going, but he kept on running down the path that seemed never ending.


About an hour later, Dan found himself back at Kyle's. It had been pouring with rain meaning his clothes were sodden and his hair now lacked its usual volume.

"Where the hell have you been?" Kyle asked as he set foot in the house.

"I just went out to grab some lunch-"

"Well what took you so long? Woody said he left you 3 hours ago, how long does it take you to 'grab some lunch'?" Kyle asked.

"I err just thought I'd go for a walk just to clear my mind a bit, y'know." Dan replied. Kyle seemed unconvinced, but he questioned him no further, Dan had enough on his mind. "I'm just gonna pop in the shower, I'm freezing." said Dan as he went upstairs to the bathroom.

Kyle could hear him singing upstairs, singing in the shower. He recognised the song as 'No Angels' a song they recently covered. Kyle smiled and continued to prepare their tea. He popped a couple of steak pies in the oven, and wondered into the lounge. He switched on the TV and began to watch the latest episode of Rules of Engagement. He soon heard the shower stop upstairs and The sound of Dan plodding down the stairs. He accompanied Kyle and sat down on the armchair opposite.

"I saw Sophie again today."

"WHAT? Why didn't you tell me before?" replied Kyle.

"I don't know if she saw me, but I err got talking to this girl in the cafe and she hid me round the back, Sophie came in just whilst I was hiding in the yard-"

"Did you here what she said?" Kyle asked curiously.

"No, not really. I ran away..." He admitted.

"Who was this girl you got talking to anyway?" he asked.

"I didn't get her name, she seemed pretty nice, but I feel bad for just running off like that."

"Wait, lemme get this straight. You got talking to a girl in a cafe, even though you just broke up with Sophie?" questioned Kyle.

"Yeh... but it weren't like that. She just asked me what was wrong..." Dan blushed.

"What are you like?" Kyle muttered as he walked into the kitchen to retrieve their tea from the oven.

Dan had never been good with girls. He never knew what to say or how to act, but with the girl from the cafe, things were different. He felt unusually comfortable around her, as though he had known her for ages.

Dan looked up to see that Kyle bearing trays carrying their dinners. They tucked into their pies and finished their beer whilst watching the TV tentatively.

Dan decided to make his way upstairs as he thought an early night would be beneficial. He slung his usual grey shirt over his head and lay down on the bed. Although he was exhausted, he couldn't stop thinking about the girl he met today. Questions filled his head. What happened at the cafe after he left? Why didn't he ask for her name? All Dans attempts to get to sleep were proving unsuccessful, as he couldn't clear his mind.

Suddenly his thought process came to a halt. A thundering bang shook the house. "KYLE?! ARE YOU OK?" Dan shouted.

Kyle didn't reply, the whole house fell silent.
