Both her parents worked in one of the city's facilities studying werewolf diseases and early detection of many of these illnesses. April had been helping them for a couple of years now but it was just not something she wanted to do. Having to talk to sick shifters who volunteered to help their study, knowing there was no cure for them, just felt depressing. That was one reason she started working as a party planner for bachelor and bachelorette parties, something to keep her mind off the poor shifters who would eventually die from something they still couldn't understand fully to help them. Even her thoughts were making her feel depressed now,  shaking her head of these thoughts, April turned into the store's parking lot.



Mike pulled a shirt over his head as the knocking on his door came again. He was sure it wasn't April coming back with lunch. He grinned just thinking about her, the way her moods changed could sure make anyone's head spin. It didn't surprise him to find her gone when he'd woken up.

He opened the door to find Conner and another guy standing there with a scowl on their faces. Shit. He hoped April hadn't gone and told them what he almost did last night, not that she seemed the type. Though they really didn't do anything after she kneed him in the groin. One moment she was all hot and pleading him to take her, the next she was kicking him out of his room.

"Have you seen April?" Conner asked as he sidestepped him and entered. Mike stepped back as his buddy nodded at him as he walked in too. "My father called me this morning, she hadn't came home last night."

"That's because she was with me all night." He said plainly, watching his reaction.

"What the hell," Conner shoved him against the wall. "I warned you about keeping your hands off of her."

Mike pushed him off, taking his time has he headed to the kitchenette. "Relax, we were at a party most of the night."

"What party?"

"Her friends party," he stated.

Both guys scuffed, "April doesn't have friends, she usually hangs out with our cousin but she's not around."

"Shows how much you know your own sister."

"What the hell does that mean, asshole?"

Conner was back in his face, it was starting to annoy him. He wasn't one to start a fight, hell, it had been such a long time since he was ever in a fight.

"It means that you should put your damn grudge aside and actually talk to her. You'd be surprised at what you can learn from just a simple converaation."

"I don't need lectures on how to talk to my sister. Now do you know where she is?"

Mike eyed him, he knew he should just tell him that he didn't know where she could be but just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"She was keeping my bed warm till this morning."

"You son of a bitch."

Conner was on him before he could react. They both landed on the floor, a fist landing on his face as he tried to push Conner off him. His friend rushed over and pulled him off but not before he landed another two punches.

"He's just baiting you man."

Mike laughed, damn, no wonder April enjoyed riling him, he was too easy. "For someone who hired an escort to screw around his sister, you sure are touchy."

"Fuck off man, that shit ain't funny."

"Shit, I couldn't help it." Mike laughed, still sprawled on the floor. "Don't worry about your sister, her virtue is still intact. She had a bit to drink and it was late. She fell asleep on the ride over and she stayed in the room, I slept on the couch. She was gone by the time I got up."

"Why the hell didn't you just say that."

Conner glared at him as his friend stepped over to help Mike up. "Thanks."

"Have you called her?"

"I wouldn't be here if I hadnt."

"Relax man, she'll show up sooner or later. She's probably home by now."

"Maybe. Keep your hands off her, you hear."

"That's going to hard to do since she's my date."

"Conner, man, let's just leave. She may be home by now and this guy is just messing with you."

They were at the door when Conner turned around, "I see you doing more then just dancing with her, your dead, you hear me."

Mike rubbed his jaw as the door closed, it was going to be hard keeping his hands off April now that he had a taste of that fiery mouth of hers. It was sure going to be an interesting night though.

Rent-A-Mate: Masked IntentionsWhere stories live. Discover now