Chapter 2

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"This is gonna be an interesting night."


Jordan and Matthew made their way inside, seeing that Dylan, Danny, and Jorel had already began partying. Matthew went and grabbed a beer, tossing one at Jordan. Jordan cracked his open, drinking the whole thing pretty quickly. Matthew stood around in the circle the guys had made, Jorel and Danny singing along drunkly to "Everywhere I Go". When Jordan heard it, he jumped in immediately. He was the loudest. "EVERYWHERE I GO! BITCHES ALWAYS KNOW! THAT CHARLIE SCENE HAS GOT A WEENIE THAT HE LOVES TO SHOW! Bitch!" Matthew smiled at him.

After quite a few beers, Matthew was staggering and swaying. He began laughing for no reason, causing Jordan to laugh. Matthew fell, spilling his beer. "Dammit..." He muttered. He stayed on the floor, surprised when Jordan layed on top of him. "Got a Klondike bar, big boy?" He asked, his words slurring. Matthew knew what Jordan was referring to, but he just pushed his face away. "Nah. But you ain't gettin none even if I did." Matthew said, standing up. "Well maybe you can do me a favor." Jordan said. "Huh?" Matthew asked. "Make a bet with me. If IIIIIIIIIIII can't walk through the whole house without falling down, then you get whatever you want from me. If you can't, I get a Klondike bar you." Matthew knew how bad at balancing Jordan was when he got drunk.

He took the bet.

"Ok. Let's go."

Matt won. "Ok, Kurly. What do you want?" Jordan asked. Matthew blushed, but knew what he wanted. "A-A kiss...?" Matt asked. Jordan shrugged. "Sure. C'mere." Jordan said. Matt crawled onto his lap, Jordan pulling Matt's face gently to his. Jordan pressed his lips to Matt's, Matt kissing back. Jordan ran his hands up and down Matt's back as the kiss got melty. Just as soon as things were about to get too heated, Jordan pulled away. "Did that satisfy our bet?" He asked. "Yeah. Its kinda crazy the things you'll do when you're drunk..." Matt said. "And guess what." Jordan said. "Hm?" Matt asked. "I've been sober for 30 minutes." Jordan said. Matt blushed heavily, and Jordan gently moved him and got up to find a bedroom. "You coming? I know you're tired." He said. Matt got up and followed him.

They went into the bedroom, Jordan sitting on the bed and removing his shirt. Matt blushed, Jordan smirking at him. He stood up, walking to Matt until the boy was against the wall. "You gonna... Come lay down?" Matt cleared his throat. "Y-yeah." He said. He couldn't believe that after all this time having a crush on Jordan, he had kissed him and was now going to sleep in the same bed as him. Jordan was already laying down, on his back so that he could have both arms free to use his phone. "Don't drop it on your face." Matt said, getting under the covers beside him. He placed his hand on Jordan's chest, snuggling up close to him. Jordan put one hand down from his phone, placing it on Matt's head and playing in his hair. "Jordan... C-can I tell you something?" Matt asked. He looked down at his friend. "Hmm?" Jordan asked. Matt blushed, looking away. "I... Well if it isn't obvious... I really like you, Jordan..." Matt said, resting his head on Jordan's chest. Matt felt Jordan's hand stop moving, but then he spoke. "Y'know, that makes it a lot easier to say what I need to." Matt looked at him. "I love you too, Matt." Jordan sat up, causing Matt to sit up with him. Matt kissed his nose. "Really?" Matt asked. "Yes, really."

"Well, now I guess w- *yawn* we can.... Can...." Matt fell forward, leaning on Jordan as he fell asleep. Jordan smiled, laying back down while Matt slept on top of him.

~That morning~

"HEY! GET THE FUCK UP YOU TWO!" Danny yelled through the bedroom door. Matt sat up, blushing heavily when he realized he was sitting on Jordan's lap. Jordan sat up, smiling at Matt. He kissed him, Matt kissing back once he realized last night wasn't a dream. Matt held onto his face, kissing passionately as the kiss got deeper. Matt moaned slightly, Jordan grinning. He pulled away, making Matt wimper. A string of saliva connected their lips. "I'll take care of you when we get to my house, Kurly." Jordan said, rubbing Matt's thigh before getting up. Matt stood up, stretching, and then went behind Jordan. He wrapped his arms around Jordan's waist, putting his face in his back. "C'mon. The guys said they're going to get breakfast." Jordan said. Matt let go, and they walked out of the room.

"Did you two fuck or something?" Dylan asked. "No." Jordan said, smacking him in the head. "Well you must have been doing something in there with each other." Dylan poked. "No, we only made out." Jordan said, grabbing his car keys and walking to the kitchen. "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiit." Dylan said, his voice getting higher with each drag of the i . Matt blushed. "Shut up, Dylan." Matt growled. "You know you liked it." Jordan said, grinning at Matthew. "S-stop iiiiiit." Matt whined. "But you're cute when you blush." Jordan said, walking to Matt with a can if Coke.

"Hey, where's Danny and Jorel?" Jordan asked. "They decided to go home, so its just us three." Dylan said. "Ok. Let's go." The three of them walked out.

~Time Skip~

"Ok, so tell me again what happened?" Dylan said as the guys sat out by the pool. "So, I was drunk, but was sobering up, annnd I made a bet with Matt. He won, so we kissed." Jordan said. He felt Matt lean over on his shoulder, so he put his arm around the boy. "So, are you two, like, dating?" Dylan asked. Jordan looked down at Matt, who blushed. "If you wanna be my boyfriend, I'd be happier than anything." Jordan said. Matt sat up and got on his lap, snuggling him. "I-I'd be happy too, to uh... Be your boyfriend." Matt said. Jordan smiled. "If you need to be alone I'll just go. "Nah, we're good." Jordan said.

"We're perfect."

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