Ch. 2

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With all the screaming and shouting from the students you would've thought the great hall was going to exploded from everyone's combined anger. Well that's where it looked like it was going. I heard angry shouts from the Hufflepuff table, "WHAT THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY'RE DOING!" Another cry from a Ravenclaw girl, "WHY! THIS ISNT FAIR! I WAS GOING TO DO THINGS WITH MY LIFE! THEY CANT JUST DO THIS TO US!" And I think I even heard Zabini throw a few curses in the air directing them to the ministry.

"Silence!" Said the headmistress. She didn't shout it but did demand it in a calm and collected voice that showed power over the students. The look she was giving us showed her disappointment in our manners. "Now I'm not too happy about the new law either. We here at Hogwarts try to encourage you that you can do anything with your lives once you've graduated. However the ministry has taken that from you and there's nothing we can do to stop it," she took another long breathe and looked behind her at a ministry official who was standing next to the sorting hat. "So tonight is the beginning of the process you will be pared up with your compatible partner by the sorting hat who has powers to find your soul mate." She smiled grimly.

Great. My life was over before it even began. I guess I understand why the ministry was doing this but why couldn't they let us handle it on our own. Worry feels my mind as I look around at the candidates who I would be spending the rest of my life with. Oh no what if it's someone foul and has terrible table manners, or someone who has a weird obsession like collecting all their baby teeth....ew I think.

"The ceremony will begin now, once you have found your partner there will not be another testing. The hat is never wrong." She said peering over her glasses looking to make sure her students were ready. I guess we were as ready as we would ever be. "Susan Bones." She called loudly and everyone's eyes shifted to the Hufflepuff slowly standing up.

She stood up shakily looking very nervous too. She looked back at Anthony Goldstein her Ravenclaw boyfriend. His eyes were anxious as he watched her go up to the stool. They've been dating for the past two years and seem to love each other dearly. I can't imagine though having another's name called and not being able to have a future with the one you're in love with now. I can see why they were both nervous. But if the sorting hat can really tell your true soulmate then I guess it doesn't matter who you're with now because you'll find your true love somewhere else. Right?

The great hall is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to see who Susan's soulmate is. She finally sits down on the old creaky stool and lets out a breathe before the hat is placed upon her head. The hat did some thinking and then finally gave his answer. "THEODORE NOTT." He bellowed loudly for the hall to hear.

All eyes shot to the Slytherin. Theodore Nott. He was very tall and had lanky limbs. His hair was brown and his green eyes and freckles made him appealing to the eye. Smart for his age but very rambunctious compared to other Slytherins. He did act higher than everybody though and held a higher standard for himself. However right now he looked like someone had just hit him with a freight train full of shock. He began to shake his head as if what was told to him wasn't true. That's when the hall erupted with sobs coming from Susan. Her life was over in her eyes, she was being forced to marry a pureblood Slytherin who thought of others lower than him. My eyes fall to my hands I felt bad for her. A lot of people knew Anthony and Susan were going to get married and have kids once they finished school but now that won't happen anymore thanks to this new law.

Mcgonagal puts her hand on the sulking girls shoulder and tells her to go take a seat next to mr. Nott. The two look awkward next to each other and both seem very tense in the others presence. The ceremony continues but I zone out thinking of my possible candidates hoping I don't get someone from Slytherin.

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