Chapter Two

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 Chapter 2: The Baby Project    POV: Audrey

As soon as I sat down I noticed Jacob was looking at me his usual smirk plastered on his face. I turned around and glared at him. This earned a chuckle out of him.

"Looking ugly as usual Briggs" he remarked. 

"Shut up Stark"

"Ms. Briggs and Mr. Stark please disrupting the class." Our annoying health teacher Mr. Machonie said sternly. I turned around quickly not wanting to get in more trouble.

"Now. Today is the first day of The Baby Project. you will be paired up with a person of the other gender and have to raise a child together for three months." An evil smile formed on his lips. "This year Riverpark High is putting quite a twist on The Baby Project. Instead of plastic dolls you will have to raise a real child with your "spouse" in apartments we have rented out for all of you.", he stopped talking letting that sink in.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was far from shocked. I didn't even know what to call it.

"There are going to be weekly visits to make sure each partner is contributing to the raising of this child. The children we will be fostering out to you are from the local orphanage. If at the end of the project you would like to adopt your child you may, but with one condition. You and your partner must get married. When you get your child you will be given a credit card with no limit on it so you can buy anything you need for your "family". So, when I call your name go sit with your partner I have assigned you with."

He went to his desk to get his clipboard, "Okay here we go, Amber and Cody, Elizabeth and Mark, Jennifer and Matthew, Rosie and Nick, Christina and Al, Emily and Jared, Maggie and Jose, Jolie and Jace." I was beginning to panic there were only four kids left. Me, Kara, Hector, and Jacob. He continued on, "Kara and Hector, and last but not least Audrey and Jacob"

Oh great. I can't believe I have to spend the next three months living and raising a child with Jacob. I turned around to see Jacob smirking. Gosh! Why him! 

"Class follow me to the library to pick your children out."

                                                   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 

When we got to the library Mr. Machonie told us he was going to call our names out one by one to pick our child from the playpen. with our "spouse". I didn't care what gender I got they were all adorable. I glanced over at Jacob surprised to see him smiling not smirking at the playpen full of children.

"Do you want a girl or a boy?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled and I was taken aback. This is the longest we've been civil with one another and I kind of liked it. "I was hoping we could pick a girl. I was looking at a cute little newborn girl in the back. Kids are so cute aren't they?"

"You like kids? I didn't know Mr. Bad Boy had a soft side." 

"Mr. Bad Boy I like that name. Call me that more often."

"Now that I know you like it I will never call you that ever again." I smirked. I looked at the pen full of kids. Well used to be filled with kids there were only two left. Two little newborns.

"Audrey and Jacob." We walked up to the pen and I noticed every one else was gone. We Probably had the rest of the day off from school to get settled in. "It seems that i hav made a mistake and there are two children left not one. Since i cant bring the children back to the orphanage for three months you will be taking care of two children instead of one. The two children left are newborn twins only two weeks old."

Jacob and I looked at each other in shock and walked in the pen slowly. They were two girls. I picked one up carefully and so did Jacob. 

"Since you two have twins i will inform the staff that i gave you two a week instead of a day to get settled. Here is your credit card and directions to the apartment complex," he said and handed us a shiny card and a single piece of paper, "Your apartment number is 11. Good luck." After that he just left without another word. Jacob and I stood there dumbfounded.

"Wow. Twins. At least we get to name them." Jacob said.

 I sat down still holding the baby girl trying to think of two names but I was still shocked. Not once did Mr. Machonie say that there was a chance of someone getting two children, yet, here I am with Jacob both of us holding a child. 

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