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Aitana POV

"Simon! Simon! Hold on, I'm here! Please don't leave!" I yelled out as I ran as if Cerberus was after me. If I miss this bus, I'll have to wait another hour until the next one came.

No way in hell was that going to happen again!

I could hear Simon let out his infamous laugh as he waved to me.

"I don't know what'd I do if you didn't drive this bus." I said as I was trying my best to catch my breath.

"You'd probably have to walk to your destination if it weren't for me." Simon said as he held out his hand for me to take as I walked up the steps. I chuckled at his gesture.

"Thank you, Simon. Are there any available seats left?"

"Of course! Go right in, Ciara and Andy are both inside also."

"Great! Thank you again, Simon!" He let out another small chuckle and I walked inside, looking for a seat.

As I viewed the inside of the bus, it was pretty packed already. The front of the bus was already occupied, while the back looked to be clear. I started scanning the front until I caught two of my good friends.

"Ciara! Andy!" I yelled out in happiness as I saw them.

"Aitana!" They both said together.

"Look at how huge your belly is! Are you on your way to see your OBGYN?" I asked, Ciara.

"Yes! Little man here is almost ready to be born." She spoke in excitement. I could see the love in her husband, Andy's eyes as he held her hand in his.

The love these two shared was enough to warm anyone's heart.

"Yes he is." Andy spoke. "I'm excited for him to be born already."

"I bet you are, Andy. Ready for the dad life?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, I've read so many parent books already."

I smiled at the both of them, "he has, Aitana! Our bedroom is full of his parenting books. I keep telling him all those books won't help when he's here, but he keeps insisting it will." Ciara said with a small roll in her aqua green eyes.

I could tell they were both going to be such good parents, loving their child unconditionally.

"Let me know how everything goes afterwards, okay?" I told her with a small smile as I held onto one of the poles.

"Of course! You'll be the first to know!" She yelped with passion.

"She's mean I'll be first, then you." Andy said sternly with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Before I could reply, the bus started to shake uncontrollably as it hit a pothole. I almost fell on my ass, if it wasn't for the pole I tightly held onto.

"Let me get to my seat before I fall," letting out a sigh, "I've fallen too much today."

"Alright, talk to you later." Ciara said with a smile.

I waved to the both of them and made my way to one of seats in the back.

I always like sitting by myself when it comes to bus rides, it's an easy feeling to just be by yourself. Even if you're alone with your thoughts, sometimes it's a bit relaxing if you're in public.

"Is this seat taken?"

You have got to be kidding me.

I looked to my right to see who spoke - In front of me stood a tall male figure.

Captivating MelancholyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora