08 ; bon appétit

Depuis le début

Snorting in amusement, Eden bustled into the building. She found Destiny's room number after a short elevator ride, and walking two doors down from there.

Roman was silent behind her, filled with an energy that almost seemed hesitant and nervous.

Knocking gently, Eden was surprised when the door opened suddenly, showcasing a beautiful brunette. At once, the brunette grasped Eden's shoulders, bringing her forwards.

"Eden, come in!" She chirped, before planting a kiss onto Eden's cheek.

Startled but not thrown off, Eden stepped into the apartment. Instantly, she was greeted with the sight of Peter.

She moved to join him on the couch, but was bumped into by a middle aged man, who was exiting the nearby bedroom.

"Now I want you to find time every day to be mindful of the love and nourishment flowing from your manipura, okay?" Destiny said, coaxing the man from her apartment. "Also, lay off the refined sugars. It messes with your metabolism."

"Alright, thank you," The man said, gathering his things and leaving the apartment.

Once the door was closed, Destiny turned back towards the three teenagers in her living room. Roman, standing close to Eden, watching her without saying anything for a few moments.

"Another happy customer?" Peter asked, grinning.

"Crushed a couple blue pills in his tea," Destiny admitted, smirking from the side of her mouth. "The sugar thing was just common sense."

"Like when your doctor tells you to stop smoking," Roman inputted, voice slightly wobbly.

Destiny sighed, before replying, "One size fits all."

At once, Destiny was grabbing Eden's body once more, by the shoulders this time. She gave Eden a tight hug, squeezing lightly. "Hi, you must be Eden?"

"Yes," Eden replied, once Destiny pulled away. "Eden O'Malley."

Destiny nodded her head, catching Eden's wrist. She brought Eden's hand up to her face, squinting at her palm. "You have an interesting future. You'll have to get your palm read by me sometime."

"I know all about my future," Eden said lightly, smiling at the brunette. At Destiny's curious expression, she explained, "I come from a family of kooks. My sister's a psychic too."

Destiny flashed a bright smile, before turning towards Peter. "I like her."

"I'm Roman," Roman spoke, sticking out his hand albeit awkwardly.

Much like she did to Eden, Destiny grabbed Roman's wrist. Roman tensed, but then spoke once more, joking, "See anything interesting?"

Without answering, Destiny dropped Roman's palm. "Do you gentlemen and fellow kook have something for me?"

Peter unwrinkled a paper bag, before handing Destiny a box of candy.

"Ooh orangies!" She cried, popping one into her mouth. "What a sweetie."

Peter then removed the jar of organs from his bag, placing it on the table in front of them. Destiny stared at the jar, chewing thoughtfully for a moment.

She then stepped forwards, taking the jar, "Just tell me why this is better than running?"

Eden tensed for a moment, glancing at Peter. Her heart sputtering at the thought of Peter leaving Hemlock Grove due to what was happening. Roman also was tense beside her, and Eden didn't have to look at his face to know that he was unhappy by Destiny's comment.

Death of the Party ↠ Hemlock Grove ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant